Generic implementations for vectors are gathered in the namespace
VECTOR. These are generic functions, that can be used to build
new linear classes. The type R must provide the following
definitions or methods:
typename index_t
typename value_type
index_t this-$>$ size()
value_type this-$>$ operator[](index_t)
template < class R>
inline ostream & VECTOR::Print(ostream & os, const R & v)
Output function for general vectors: [v1, v2, ...].
template < class R>
inline istream & VECTOR::Read(istream & is, R & V)
Input operator for standard vectors. The input format is of the form
s c0 c1 ... where s is the number of elements.
template < class V, class W>
void VECTOR::assign(V & a, const W & b)
Assignation of a vector to another.
template < class V, class I>
void VECTOR::reserve(V & a, I n)
Reserve the space in a for n entries.
template < class R, class I, class C>
void VECTOR::reserve(vector< R> & a, I n, const C & v)
Reserve the space in a for n entries set to v.
template < class V, class W>
void VECTOR::plus(V & a, const W & b, const W & c)
Addition of two vectors.
template < class V, class W>
void VECTOR::plus(V & a, const W & b)
Addition of two vectors.
template < class V, class W>
void VECTOR::minus(V & a, const W & b, const W & c)
Substraction of two vectors.
template < class V, class W>
void VECTOR::minus(V & a, const W & b)
Substraction of two vectors.
template < class V, class W>
void VECTOR::mult(V & a, const V & b, const W & c)
Scalar multiplication.
template < class V, class W>
void VECTOR::mult(V & a, const W & c)
Inplace scalar multiplication.
template < class V, class W>
void VECTOR::div(V & a, const W & c)
Inplace scalar division.
template < class C, class R>
C VECTOR::norm(const R & v)
The default norm of a vector is the L2 norm.
template < class R>
RealOf< typename R::value_type> ::TYPE
VECTOR::norm(const R & v, unsigned int n)
The L2 norm of the subvector vector of size n.
template < class C,class R>
C VECTOR::norm(const R & v, int p)
Norm Lp of a vector.
template < class R, class S>
typename R::value_type VECTOR::prod(const S & v, const R & w)
Innerproduct of two vectors.