We use the stl implementation, which provides the following
optimized data-structures:
- list<T> generic list.
- vector<T> generic vector.
- deque<T> generic double-ended queue.
- set<T, order<T> > ordered generic set, with no repetition of elements.
- muliset<T, order<T> > ordered generic set with repetition of the
- pair<I,T> generic pair of elements ((i,t).
- map<I,T, order<I> > generic set of ((i,t), ordered
according to I. No repetition for the elements (key) of I.
- multimap<I,T, order<I> > generic set of ((i,t), ordered
according to I. Duplicate keys are allowed.
- stack<T,C> generic lifo stack of elements in T,
implemented with the container C (eg. list<T>).
- queue<T,C> generic fifo stack of elements in T,
implemented with the container C (eg. deque<T>).
See the STL reference manual [STL96], for more details.