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Name: : Implementation and Compiler Development
WP Leader: INRIA
Participants: INRIA 10 mm, UCL 6 mm, UTS 10 mm
This work-package aims at producing and qualifying a compiler for automatic generation of communication software following the "application layer framing" architecture and the "integrated layer processing" techniques. The work package is made of 3 tasks:

  1. Early implementations will aim at exploring the techniques and constraint that will be later incorporated in the compiler. The techniques will be summarized in a "Recipe Book" that will be used for building the compiler, but that will also be made available to other implementors.
  2. A specific prototype will explore the problems of "dynamically adaptive protocol stacks",
  3. The results of the previous tasks will be used to implement a first version of the compiler, as an extension of INRIA's ASN.1 compiler "MAVROS".
A detailed description of these tasks follows.
Fri Feb 10 14:30:25 MET 1995