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Perception of Perspective Distortions in Image-Based Rendering

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Conference Proceedings), Volume 32, Number 4, page 58:1--12 - jul 2013
Download the publication : IBR_perception-paper.pdf [3.2Mo]   IBR_perception-supplemental.pdf [439Ko]  
Image-based rendering (IBR) creates realistic images by enriching simple geometries with photographs, e.g., mapping the photograph of a building façade onto a plane. However, as soon as the viewer moves away from the correct viewpoint, the image in the retina becomes distorted, sometimes leading to gross misperceptions of the original geometry. Two hypotheses from vision science state how viewers perceive such image distortions, one claiming that they can compensate for them (and therefore perceive scene geometry reasonably correctly), and one claiming that they cannot compensate (and therefore can perceive rather significant distortions). We modified the latter hypothesis so that it extends to street-level IBR. We then conducted a rigorous experiment that measured the magnitude of perceptual distortions that occur with IBR for façade viewing. We also conducted a rating experiment that assessed the acceptability of the distortions. The results of the two experiments were consistent with one another. They showed that viewers’ percepts are indeed distorted, but not as severely as predicted by the modified vision science hypothesis. From our experimental results, we develop a predictive model of distortion for street-level IBR, which we use to provide guidelines for acceptability of virtual views and for capture camera density. We perform a confirmatory study to validate our predictions, and illustrate their use with an application that guides users in IBR navigation to stay in regions where virtual views yield acceptable perceptual distortions.

© ACM, 2013. This is the authors’ version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definite version will be published in ACM TOG.

Images and movies


See also

Presentation slides

You can download our SIGGRAPH slides (PowerPoint 2010 for Windows, 133 MB).

Supplemental material

The supplemental document contains additional information and clarifications to our paper.

In addition, we provide the raw experimental data and detailed analysis of our experiments.

The stimuli we used in our experiments are also available (131 MB).

BibTex references

  author       = "Vangorp, Peter and Richardt, Christian and Cooper, Emily A. and Chaurasia, Gaurav and Banks, Martin S. and Drettakis, George",
  title        = "Perception of Perspective Distortions in Image-Based Rendering",
  journal      = "ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Conference Proceedings)",
  number       = "4",
  volume       = "32",
  pages        = "58:1--12",
  month        = "jul",
  year         = "2013",
  url          = ""

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