class <Scheduler/Calendar> CalendarScheduler : public Scheduler


Public Methods

virtual void cancel(Event*)
virtual Event* deque()
virtual void insert(Event*)
virtual Event* lookup(int uid)
virtual ~CalendarScheduler()

Protected Fields

int bot_threshold_
int buckbits_
Event** buckets_
double buckettop_
double last_clock_
int lastbucket_
double max_
int nbuckets_
double oneonwidth_
this variable is always equal 1/width_ we use it for a speedup (mul is cheaper than div), but we may also lose precision with it
double prevtop_
int qsize_
int resizeenabled_
int top_threshold_
double width_

Protected Methods

virtual double newwidth()
virtual void reinit(int nbuck, double bwidth, double start)
virtual void resize(int newsize)

Private Methods

virtual void insert2(Event*)

Inherited from Scheduler:

Public Methods

inline double clock()
static Scheduler& instance()
virtual void reset()
virtual void run()
void schedule(Handler*, Event*, double delay)
virtual double start()
virtual void sync()

Protected Fields

double clock_
int halted_
static Scheduler* instance_
static int uid_

Protected Methods

int command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
void dispatch(Event*, double)
void dispatch(Event*)
void dumpq()



virtual ~CalendarScheduler()

virtual void cancel(Event*)

virtual void insert(Event*)

virtual Event* lookup(int uid)

virtual Event* deque()

int resizeenabled_

double width_

double oneonwidth_
this variable is always equal 1/width_ we use it for a speedup (mul is cheaper than div), but we may also lose precision with it

double buckettop_

double last_clock_

double prevtop_

int nbuckets_

int buckbits_

int lastbucket_

int top_threshold_

int bot_threshold_

Event** buckets_

int qsize_

double max_

virtual void reinit(int nbuck, double bwidth, double start)

virtual void resize(int newsize)

virtual double newwidth()

virtual void insert2(Event*)

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling