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Results: Hybrid MIMD/SIMD high order DGTD solver

This study has been conducted in the context of a PRACE Preparatory Access project (17th cut-off date, june 2014, project #2010PA2452).

The DGTD method can be considered as a finite element method where the continuity constraint at an element interface is released. While it keeps almost all the advantages of the finite element method (large spectrum of applications, complex geometries, etc.), the DGTD method has other nice properties, which explain the renewed interest it gains in various domains in scientific computing:

Indeed, the compact nature of method (the polynomial interpolation of the physical field is performed at the element level) is particularly appealing for harnessing the processing capabilities of manycore CPUs or accelerator chips. We are concerned here with the study of a hybrid coarse grain/fine grain parallelization strategy for a high order DGTD solver for the system of Maxwell equations coupled to a physical dispersion model. Practical modeling settings of interest to our study are the system of Maxwell equations coupled to a Debye dispersion model for the simulation of microwave interaction with biologocal tissues, and the system of Maxwell equations coupled to a Drude dispersion model for the simulation of light interaction with nanometer scale metallic structures.

We selected a use case typical of optical guiding applications. A Y-shaped waveguide is considered which consists of a nanosphere chain embedded in vacuum. The constructed tetrahedral mesh is made of 520,704 vertices and 2,988,103 elements. The high order discontinuous finite element method designed for the solution of the system of time-domain Maxwell equations coupled to a Drude model for the dispersion of noble metals at optical frequencies is formulated on a tetrahedral mesh. Within each element (tetrahedron) of the mesh, the components of the electric and magnetic field, as well as the component of the electric polarization, are approximated by a nodal (Lagrange type) interpolation method. The unknowns of the problem are thus given by the values of these physical quantities at the nodes of the polynomial interpolation. For instance, for a linear (i.e. P1) interpolation of the fields, the number of DoFs (Degrees of Freedoms) within a tetrahedron is 6x4 if the element is located in vacuum, and 9x4 if the element is located in the metallic structure. For a quadratic (i.e. P2) interpolation, the corresponding figures are 6x10 and 9x10, and so on for higher interpolation degrees. Then the global number of DoFs is the sum of these figures of the elements of the given mesh.

Contour lines of the amplitude of the DFT of E

We conducted a parallel performance evaluation in terms of strong scalability analysis on thin nodes of the Curie system. Each run has been made considering 8 OpenMP threads per socket and 2 sockets per node.

Strong scalability analysis of the DGTD solver

Related publications

S. Lanteri, R. Léger, C. Scheid,J. Viquerat, T. Cabel and G. Hautreux
Hybrid MIMD/SIMD high order DGTD solver for the numerical modeling of light/matter interaction on the nanoscale
PRACE White Paper (2015)

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