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Results: Light absorption by MIM structures

This study is conducted in collaboration with Salim Boutami and Alain Glière (Laboratoire Capteurs et Nanophotonique, CEA LETI, Grenoble).

High speed photonic integrated circuits (PICs) are the subject of intense research in recent years. The introduction of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) at metal dielectric interfaces made it possible to overcome the diffraction limit and confine light on sub-wavelength scales. Waveguides based on SPPs have also been demonstrated, in the form of Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) waveguides. MIM waveguides are mostly used because they provide high confinement within the core region.

Periodic tetrahedral mesh of the MIM structure surrounded by air. The red cells correspond to aluminium, and the green ones to silica. Grey cells constitute the PML layers. The tetrahedral mesh consists of 479 vertices and 1783 tetrahedra. Simulations have been performed on 4 cores of a Dell C6220 server equipped with Intel Xeon E5-2680@2.80 GHz CPU.

Elapsed time
DGTD-P1 method 20 sec
DGTD-P2 method 84 sec
DGTD-P3 method 315 sec
DGTD-P2 method DGTD-P3 method DGTD-P4 method

Amplitude of the discrete Fourier transform of the magnetic field

Absorption coefficient of the periodic structure

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Page last modified on June 11, 2015, at 04:04 PM