Require Import Arith ZArith Psatz List. (* This example has been tested with coq-8.9 *) Open Scope Z_scope. Inductive lang := var (_ : nat) | bin (_ _ : lang). Fixpoint interp (op : Z -> Z -> Z) (l : list Z) (t : lang) : Z := match t with | var v => nth v l 0 | bin x y => op (interp op l x) (interp op l y) end. (* normlizing binary trees with respect to associativity: choosing a reference shape. *) Fixpoint norm_aux t1 t2 : lang := match t1 with | var x => bin (var x) t2 | bin t t' => norm_aux t (norm_aux t' t2) end. Fixpoint norm t := match t with | var x => t | bin t1 t2 => norm_aux t1 (norm t2) end. Section assoc_reflection_proofs. Variable op : Z -> Z -> Z. Hypothesis op_assoc : forall a b c, op a (op b c) = op (op a b) c. Lemma norm_aux_c l t1 t2 : interp op l (norm_aux t1 t2) = op (interp op l t1) (interp op l t2). Proof. revert t2; induction t1 as [i | t1 IH1 t2 IH2]; intros t3. now auto. now simpl; rewrite IH1, IH2, op_assoc. Qed. Lemma norm_c l t : interp op l t = interp op l (norm t). Proof. induction t as [i | t1 IH1 t2 IH2]; auto; simpl. now rewrite IH2, norm_aux_c. Qed. Lemma norm_c2 l t1 t2 : norm t1 = norm t2 -> interp op l t1 = interp op l t2. Proof. now intros nn; rewrite (norm_c _ t1), (norm_c _ t2); apply f_equal. Qed. End assoc_reflection_proofs. Arguments norm_c2 {op}. Example axpypzpt x y z t : (x + y) + (z + t) = x + (y + z) + t. Proof. change (interp Z.add (x::y::z::t::nil)(bin (bin (var 0) (var 1)) (bin (var 2) (var 3))) = interp Z.add (x::y::z::t::nil) (bin (bin (var 0) (bin (var 1) (var 2))) (var 3))). apply (norm_c2 Z.add_assoc). reflexivity. Qed. (* Now adding the reification phase. *) Class Reify (op : Z -> Z -> Z) (x : Z) (t : lang) (l : list Z). Instance binRf op x y l e1 e2 {_ : Reify op x e1 l} {_ : Reify op y e2 l} : Reify op (op x y) (bin e1 e2) l | 1 := {}. Class Nth (i : nat) (l : list Z) (e : Z). Instance nth0 e l : Nth 0 (e :: l) e | 0 := {}. Instance nthS i e l e' {_ : Nth i l e} : Nth (S i) (e' :: l) e | 2 := {}. (* proof search can fill the values for the list of variables even when there is already some value in the list. *) Example nth_test : exists l i, Nth i (42::l) 17. Proof. eexists. eexists. Fail eapply nth0. eapply nthS. eapply nth0. Grab Existential Variables. exact nil. Qed. Example nth_test1 : exists l i, Nth i (42::l) 17. Proof. eexists. eexists. typeclasses eauto. Grab Existential Variables. exact nil. Qed. Instance varRf op e i l {_ : Nth i l e} : Reify op e (var i) l | 100. (* When closing goals, it is unacceptable that lists are incomplete. But we can also rely on the type classes mechanism to make sure the list is not incomplete. *) Class Closed (l : list Z). Instance closed0 : Closed nil. Instance closed1 a l {_ : Closed l} : Closed (a :: l). Definition reify_trigger op (term : Z) {expr : lang} {lvar : list Z} {_ : Reify op term expr lvar} `{Closed lvar} := (lvar, expr). Ltac reify_step op := match goal with |- ?u = ?v => match eval red in (reify_trigger op (op u v)) with (?a, bin ?b ?c) => change (interp op a b = interp op a c) end end. Example axpypzpt' x y z t : (x + y) + (z + t) = x + (y + z) + t. Proof. reify_step Z.add. apply (norm_c2 Z.add_assoc). reflexivity. Qed. Section tries. Variable op : Z -> Z -> Z. Hypothesis op_assoc : forall x y z, op x (op y z) = op (op x y) z. Compute fold_right op 12 ( Z.of_nat (seq 2 10)). Compute fold_right (fun a b => op b a) 2 (List.rev ( Z.of_nat (seq 3 10))). Example try_2_12 : op 2 (op 3 (op 4 (op 5 (op 6 (op 7 (op 8 (op 9 (op 10 (op 11 12))))))))) = op (op (op (op (op (op (op (op (op (op 2 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12. Proof. reify_step op. now apply (norm_c2 op_assoc). Qed. Example try_2_12_rep : op 2 (op 3 (op 4 (op 5 (op 6 (op 7 (op 8 (op 9 (op 10 (op 11 12))))))))) = op (op (op (op (op (op (op (op (op (op 2 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12. Proof. now repeat rewrite op_assoc. Qed. Print try_2_12. Print try_2_12_rep. End tries. (* Now adding the commutative property to the operator. *) Fixpoint lang_insert (x : nat) (t : lang) := match t with bin (var y) t' => if (x <=? y)%nat then bin (var x) (bin (var y) t') else bin (var y) (lang_insert x t') | var y => if (x <=? y)%nat then bin (var x) (var y) else bin (var y) (var x) | _ => bin (var x) t end. Fixpoint lang_sort (t : lang) := match t with | bin (var x) t' => lang_insert x (lang_sort t') | _ => t end. Section comm_reflection_proofs. Variable op : Z -> Z -> Z. Hypotheses (op_assoc : forall a b c, op a (op b c) = op (op a b) c) (op_comm : forall a b, op a b = op b a). Lemma lang_insert_c l x t : interp op l (lang_insert x t) = interp op l (bin (var x) t). Proof. induction t as [ j | [ j | t11 t12] _ t2 IH ]; simpl; auto; case (x <=? j)%nat; simpl; auto. now rewrite IH; simpl; rewrite !op_assoc, (op_comm (_ x l 0)). Qed. Lemma lang_sort_c l t : interp op l (lang_sort t) = interp op l t. Proof. induction t as [ i | [ j | t11 t12] _ t2 IH]; auto. now simpl; rewrite lang_insert_c; simpl; rewrite IH. Qed. Lemma lang_sort_c2 l t1 t2 : lang_sort (norm t1) = lang_sort (norm t2) -> interp op l t1 = interp op l t2. Proof. intros nn; rewrite (norm_c _ op_assoc _ t1), (norm_c _ op_assoc _ t2). rewrite <- (lang_sort_c _ (norm t1)), <- (lang_sort_c _ (norm t2)). now apply f_equal. Qed. End comm_reflection_proofs. Arguments lang_sort_c2 {op}. Example cxpypz x y z : x + y + z = z + x + y. Proof. reify_step Z.add. apply (lang_sort_c2 Z.add_assoc Z.add_comm). compute. reflexivity. Qed. Example cxmymy x y : x * y * y = y * x * y. Proof. reify_step Z.mul. apply (lang_sort_c2 Z.mul_assoc Z.mul_comm). compute. reflexivity. Qed. Class comm_monoid (op : Z -> Z -> Z) := {op_assoc : forall x y z, op x (op y z) = op (op x y) z; op_comm : forall x y, op x y = op y x}. Lemma lang_sort_c2' {op : Z -> Z -> Z} `{comm_monoid op} l t1 t2 : lang_sort (norm t1) = lang_sort (norm t2) -> interp op l t1 = interp op l t2. Proof. intros sn2; apply lang_sort_c2, sn2. apply op_assoc. now apply op_comm. Qed. Example cxpypz2 x y z : x + y + z = z + x + y. Proof. reify_step Z.add. Fail apply lang_sort_c2'. Abort. Instance add_comm_monoid : comm_monoid Z.add := {op_assoc := Z.add_assoc; op_comm := Z.add_comm}. Instance mul_comm_monoid : comm_monoid Z.mul := {op_assoc := Z.mul_assoc; op_comm := Z.mul_comm}. Example cxpypz2 x y z : x + y + z = z + x + y. Proof. reify_step Z.add. now apply lang_sort_c2'. Qed. Example cxmymz2 x y z : x * y * z = z * x * y. Proof. reify_step Z.mul. now apply lang_sort_c2'. Qed. Inductive nth_p : list Z -> nat -> Z -> Prop := nth_0 : forall x l, nth_p (x :: l) 0 x | nth_S : forall x y i l, nth_p l i x -> nth_p (y :: l) (S i) x. Inductive interp_p (op : Z -> Z -> Z) (l : list Z) : lang -> Z -> Prop := p_bin : forall t1 t2 e1 e2, interp_p op l t1 e1 -> interp_p op l t2 e2 -> interp_p op l (bin t1 t2) (op e1 e2) | p_var : forall i x, nth_p l i x -> interp_p op l (var i) x. Ltac reify_auto op := repeat (eapply p_bin); eapply p_var; repeat (eapply nth_0 || eapply nth_S).