Question 1:

With a goal of the following shape

  A : true = false
    V = W
what is the best tactic to apply? the correct answer is answer no. 2: discriminate

Question 2:

With a goal of the following shape

  x : nat
  B : 4 = S x
    x - 1 = 2
what is the best tactic to apply next? the correct answer is answer no. 1: injection B

Question 3:

With a goal of the following shape

  x : nat
  match x with
  | 0 => 42
  | S p => 17
  end = 42 -> x = 0
what is the best tactic to apply next? the correct answer is answer no. 4: destruct x as [ | p]

Question 4:

With a goal of the following shape

  x : nat
   x + 3 <= 2
What is the effect of tactic
induction x as [ | k IH]
the correct answer is answer no. 3:
it produces two goals
  x : nat
   0 + 3 <= 2
  k : IHk
  IHk : k + 3 <= 2
   S k + 3 <= 2