@INPROCEEDINGS{ChevillardRevol2008, author = {S.~Chevillard and N.~Revol}, title = {Computation of the error function erf in arbitrary precision with correct rounding}, booktitle = {RNC 8 Proceedings, 8th Conference on Real Numbers and Computers}, year = {2008}, editor = {J.~D.~Bruguera and M.~Daumas}, pages = {27--36}, month = {July}, abstract = {In this paper, the computation of $\erf(x)$ in arbitrary precision is detailed. A feature of our implementation is correct rounding: the returned result is the exact result (as if it were computed with infinite precision) rounded according to the specified rounding mode. The four rounding modes given in the IEEE-754 standard for floating-point arithmetic are provided. The algorithm that computes the correctly rounded value of $\erf(x)$ for any argument $x$ is detailed in this paper. In particular, the choice of the approximation formula, the determination of the order of truncation and of the computing precision are presented. The evaluation formula is written as a partially expanded expression: we explain why it improves the performances in practice. Finally, timings on some experiments are given, and the implementation of the complementary error function $\erfc$ is then sketched.}, keywords = {Error function, complementary error function, floating-point arithmetic, arbitrary precision, adaptation of the computing precision, correct rounding.} }