- H2020 RISC2 (2020-2022)
- H2020 CloudDBAppliance (2016-2019)
- H2020 High Performance Computing for Energy (HPC4E) 2015-2017
- FP7 CoherentPaaS (2013-2016)
- HPDaSc (2021-2023) with LNCC, UFRJ, UFF, CEFET (Brazil)
- SciDISC (2017-2019) with LNCC, UFRJ, UFF, CEFET (Brazil)
- Zcloudflow (2013-2017) with Microsoft
- MUSIC (2014-2016) with LNCC, UFRJ, UFF, CEFET (Brazil)
- BigdataNet (2013-2015) with UCSB (USA)
- Hoscar (2012-2015) with UFRJ, LNCC, UFRGS and UFC (Brazil)
National Projects
- Institut Convergences #DigitAg (2017-2023)
- PIA Floris’tic (2015-2018)
- PIA Datascale (2013-2015)
- PIA X-Data (2013-2015)
- Mastodons (CNRS INS2I) on data management for plant phenotyping (2012-2015)
Regional Projects