Teaching courses
- Privacy on the Internet, SKEMA Business School, France.
Master level (M2), 9 hours (TD)
- Security and ethical aspects of data, Université Cote d'Azur, France
Master level (M2), 6 hours (CM)
- MOOC “Protection de la vie privée dans le monde numérique”
General public, Module of 8 sequences, in French
Lectures on advertising ecosystem, Web tracking technologies and how to protect yourself.
- Foundations of Privacy, Carnegie Mellon University, USA.
Master level, 1 hour (CM)
Invited lecture on Web Tracking.
- Web Privacy, University of Trento, Italy.
PhD level, 20 hours (CM)
- Multi-tier application development, University Pierre et Marie Curie, France.
Master level (M2), 15 ETD hours (6 CM + 6 TD)
- Foundations of Privacy, Carnegie Mellon University, USA.
Master level, 2 hours (CM)
Invited lecture on Web Tracking.
- Ethics and Internet Security, SKEMA Business school, France.
Master level, 1 hour (CM)
Invited lecture on Web Tracking, Privacy and Transparency Measurements.
- Summer School RESCOM, France
PhD level, 1.54 hours (CM)
Invited lecture on Web Tracking, Privacy and Transparency Measurements.
- Summer School on Cybersecurity, Université Cote d'Azur, France
PhD & Master level, 2 hours (CM)
Invited lecture on Web Tracking, Privacy and Transparency Measurements.
- Multi-tier application development, University Pierre et Marie Curie, France.
Master level (M2), 15 ETD hours (6 CM + 6 TD)
- Multi-tier application development, University Pierre et Marie Curie, France.
Master level (M2), 15 ETD hours (6 CM + 6 TD)
- Security of Information Systems, University of Rennes 1, France.
Master level (M2), 19 hours (TD)
Supervising students for a web tracking project. The students implemented a browser extension that checks the stability of web browser fingerprints.
- Compilation, INSA Rennes, France.
Master level (M1), 30 hours (TP)
Practical part of the course on lexical analysis and automata construction, top-down and bottom- up syntax analysis, usage of lex and yacc tools and a bit of lambda-calculus.
- Computer Security, University of Trento, Italy.
Master level (M1), 4 hours (CM)
Invited lectures on runtime monitoring, edit automata and its formal guarantees; information flow security mechanisms and non-interference.
- Formal languages and compilers, University of Trento, Italy.
Bachelor level (L3), 32 hours (CM)
Linking the theoretical part of the course with the compiler architecture. Implementation of compiler and interpreter in OCaml using ocamllex and ocamlyacc.
Invited lectures
- 2021: “Legal and technical requirements for consent” with Cristiana Santos at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
- 2019: "GDPR consent mechanisms in Web applications" at the Summer School on Cybersecurity, Université Cote d’Azur, France
- 2018: "Web Tracking Technologies and Protection Mechanisms" tutorial at TheWeb Conference (WWW 2018), Lyon, France
- 2018: "Web tracking technologies and protection mechanisms" at Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- 2018: "Transparency of Algorithms" at the Summer School ResCom, France
- 2018: "Web tracking technologies" at SKEMA Business school, France
- 2018: "Web Tracking, Privacy and Transparency Measurements" at the Summer School
on Cybersecurity, Université Cote d’Azur, France
- 2017: "Web tracking technologies and protection mechanisms" at Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- 2017: "Web Tracking Technologies" at Igor Sikorsky Kiev Politechnic Institute, Kiev, Ukraine