Mohamad JABER

PhD Student (EPI Planete)

INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France

2004, route des Lucioles, BP 93

06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex France

Tel: +33 4 97 15 53 59

Fax: +33 4 92 38 79 78



About Myself



Research Interests



Contact Information



I am a PhD student at the Planète project team at INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée research centre, since October 2007. My doctoral college is EDSTIC of the University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis. I am involved in part time teaching at the school of engineering (Polytech’nice) of the University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis since October 2007.

I am working on Internet traffic identification and Internet anomaly detection and troubleshooting. My supervisors are Chadi BARAKAT and Philippe NAIN.

I got my masters in computer networks and distributed system M2R (RSD) from the University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis in collaboration with Telecom ParisTech in 2007.  Before that, I got my engineering degree in telecommunication and computer networks from the Antonine University in Lebanon in 2006.

You can find my Resume here.



Conference Papers

[1]. Mohamad Jaber, Roberto Cascella and Chadi Barakat, "Using host profiling to refine statistical application identification" under submission.


[2]. Mohamad Jaber, Roberto Cascella and Chadi Barakat, "Boosting statistical application identification by flow correlation" in proccedings of the Euro-NF International Workshop on Trafic and Congestion Control for the Future Internet,Volos greece, April 2011

[3]. Mohamad Jaber, Roberto Cascella, Chadi Barakat, “Can we trust the inter-packet time for traffic classification?”, in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.

[4]. Mohamad Jaber, Cao-Cuong Ngo, Chadi Barakat, “A view from inside a distributed Internet coordinate system”, in proceedings of the Global Internet Symposium at IEEE Infocom, San Diego, March 2010.

[5]. Mohamad Jaber and Chadi Barakat, ’’Enhancing Application Identification By Means Of Sequential Testing’’, in proceedings of IFIP/TC6 Networking Conference, Aechan, Germany, May 2009.

[6]. Mohamad Jaber, Denis Collange and Jean-Laurent Costeux “Fast application identification “, in WACI workshop in Massachusetts USA October 2007.


Talks and Poster Presentations

[1]. Mohamad Jaber “Iterative Packet-Based Approach for Early Application Identification”, COST – TMA meeting, Samos, Greece, September 2008.

[2]. Mohamad Jaber, Chadi Barakat, “Iterative packet-based approach for early application identification, Poster presentation at Rescom, France, June 2008.

[3]. Mohamad JABER “Reconnaissance Applicative Rapide”, Journée Rescom, Toulouse, France, September 2007.


Research Reports

[1]. Mohamad Jaber, Roberto Cascella and Chadi Barakat, "Boosting statistical application identification by host profiling" Technical Report INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, January 2011.


[2]. Mohamad Jaber, Roberto Cascella and Chadi Barakat, “Can we trust the inter-packet time for traffic classification?” Technical Report INRIA (inria-00546794, version1), January 2011.



PhD (Networks and Distributed Systems)

INRIA – University of Nice, Sophia Antipolis, France


M2R (Networks and Distributed Systems)

ENST – University of Nice, Sophia Antipolis, France


Engineering degree in Telecommunication

Antonine university, Lebanon




  • Traffic classification and network management
  • Internet anomaly detection and troubleshooting
  • Large-scale Internet measurements
  • Future new Internet architectures
  • Machine learning algorithms



I am involved in part time teaching at the engineering school (Polytech’nice) of the University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis since October 2007.


·         2007 – 2008: 

*      Mathematical Logic course. (20 hours teaching assistant for 2 groups of 20 students each)

*      Statistics and probability course.  (39 hours teaching for 1 group of 20 students)

·         2008 – 2009:

*      Statistics and probability course. (78 hours teaching for 2 group of 20 students each)

·         2009 – 2010:

*      Statistics and probability course. (78 hours teaching for 2 group of 20 students each)

·        2010 – 2011:

*      Statistics and probability course. (78 hours teaching for 2 group of 20 students each)


·        Cao Cuong NGO: “Internet monitoring via active probes on Planetlab”, training for 6 months 2009, Master of IFI, Vietnam. Co supervised with Chadi BARAKAT [Report].


·        Tuan Tran THAI: “On the accuracy of using packet measurements for application identification”, project for 3 months 2009 – 2010, Master Ubinet, France. Co supervised with Chadi BARAKAT


·        Ali MAKKE: “On the accuracy of using packet measurements for application identification”, project for 3 months 2009 – 2010, Master Ubinet, France. Co supervised with Chadi BARAKAT


Mohamad JABER

EPI Planete, INRIA

2004, route des Lucioles, BP 93

06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex


Tel: +33 4 97 15 53 59

Fax: +33 4 92 38 79 78
