cnrs          C.O.M.M
Control and Optimality of Magnetic Micro-robot

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The aim of this project is to study the motion of micro-robot swimmers.

The robots on which we are interested are composed of a magnetic part which react under the action of an external magnetic field.


 The project consists of two directions of research. The first one deals with the modelization and the development of numerical tools to simulate the motion of the micro-robot.

The second direction is to study the maneuverability of this device and uses techniques of control theory.

The objective is both to optimize the external magnetic field in such a way that the swimmer reaches a target, minimizing a functional, such as the time or the energy consumption for the system, throught the analysis of the underlying optimal control problem.

All the theoretical results are compared with experiments, that are made at L'Institut des Systemes Intelligents et de la Robotique, in Paris (ISIR).