Types summer school'99: Theory and practice of formal proofs

Giens, France
August 30 - September 10, 1999


dead-line to register: Monday June 14, 1999

Last name:      
First name:     
Postal address: 
ZIP Code:       
Country: Phone: Fax: E-mail: WWW:

Registration Fees

1) Students, academics or industrials attending the school:

6200 FF (VAT 20.6% included)

For students, a copy of the student certificate is required.
These fees include proceedings, full boarding, coffee breaks, the Tour to the Porquerolles Island.
Full boarding (bedroom,lunches,dinners) is from Sunday August 29 dinner, to Saturday September 11 after breakfast.
Lodging is in double room.
If you know whom you would like to share a room with, please give his/her name:

2) Lecturers or free participants:

640 FF per day x days = FF (VAT 20.6% included)

These fees include proceedings, full boarding, coffee breaks, the Tour to the Porquerolles Island.
Full boarding (bedroom,lunches,dinners) is from the first day at dinner to the last day after breakfast.
Lodging is in single room.


All payments should be made in FRENCH FRANCS payable to the order of "Agent Comptable de l'INRIA", through

Banker's draft
Post office Cheque (account CCP Paris 30041-00001-0909945 B O20-31)
Bank transfer to the "Trésorerie Générale des Yvelines," Versailles (France), account number 10071-78000-00003003958-80

Please indicate your name and the conference name Types Summer School'99.


Fees will be returned in full for any written cancellation received before July 30th, 1999 (postmarked stamp). There will be no entitlement for later cancellation.

Arrival / Departure

Arrival date and time     
Departure date and time   
Number of nights          
Would you like to use the Types shuttle on arrival? Yes No
Would you like to use the Types shuttle on departure? Yes No

Your registration is now complete, please click below to send it to the organizers.
You will be displayed the contents of your submission, which you can then print.
You will also receive a carbon copy of the email sent to the organizers.

The deadline for registration is Monday June 14th, 1999
August and September being a very busy season on the french Riviera, it is important that you meet this deadline because accomodation may be not guaranted after this date.

Feel free to contact Monique Simonetti for any further informations.

Monique.Simonetti@sophia.inria.fr and Joelle.Despeyroux@sophia.inria.fr