Types summer school'99: Theory and practice of formal proofs Application for attendance I hereby apply for admission as participant in the International Types Summer School on Theory and Practice of Formal Proofs, Giens, France, August 30 - September 10, 1999. Surname: .......... First Name: .......... Date of birth (dd/mm/yy): .......... Citizenship: .......... male/female Affiliation: .......... Address: Department: .......... Institution: .......... Street: .......... Postcode: .......... City: .......... Country: .......... Phone: .......... Fax: .......... E-mail: .......... WWW: .......... A letter of recommendation from .......... will follow under separate cover. Highest university degree obtained, year, name of institution: .......... Present professional position and duties: .......... Current fields of interest in computer science: .......... Publications (if any): .......... Periods spent outside the academic field (if any): .......... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send your application preferably by e-mail to: Joëlle Despeyroux INRIA, 2004, route des Lucioles B.P.93, 06902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex, France. E-mail: Joelle.Despeyroux@sophia.inria.fr Fax: +33 04 92 38 76 33.