Esprit working group 21900: Types for Proofs and Programs

Types summer school'99: Theory and practice of formal proofs

Application Form

Application for attendance

I hereby apply for admission as participant in the International Types Summer School on Theory and Practice of Formal Proofs, French Riviera, France, August 30 - September 10, 1999.

Surname: ..........
First Name: ..........
Date of birth (dd/mm/yy): .......... Citizenship: .......... Female/Male.
Mailing address: ..........
Department: ...............
Institution: ...............
Street: ...............
Postcode: ...............
City: ...............
Country: ...............
Phone: ...............
Fax: ...............
E-mail: ...............
WWW: ...............
A letter of recommendation from ............... will follow under separate cover.

Highest university degree obtained, year, name of institution: ..........
Institution presently associated with: ..........
Present professional position and duties: ..........
Current fields of interest in computer science: ..........
Publications (if any): (attach sheet if necessary)
Periods spent outside the academic field: ...............

Registration fees

The registration fees, including all expenses (lecture material, accomodation, all meals, coffee break refreshments and social events, during the 12 days) are 6,200 FF per participant.

Application for a grant: Yes/No

Limited funds will be available to offer a few grants. Note that grants may cover all or parts of travel and/or registration fees. In case you apply for a grant, please fill in the 2 following items:
  • Travel expenses:
    When using the most economical way of travelling, my travel costs amount to ............... FF
    I hereby request a support for my travel expenses to the amount of ............... FF
  • Registration fees:
    I hereby request a support for my registration fees to the amount of ............... FF
  • Statement by the institution -- only needed for applications for a grant

    The applicant is associated with our institution. His/Her postition is: ...............

    Date and signature/stamp: ..........

    Applications without a letter of recommendation cannot be taken into consideration.
    Make sure that your letter of recommendation will arrive before the deadline for application.

    Send your application both by surface mail and by e-mail to

    Joëlle Despeyroux
    Address: INRIA, 2004, route des Lucioles B.P.93, 06902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex, France.
    Phone: +33 04 92 38 78 05, Fax: +33 04 92 38 76 33.