NEWS: checkout our new results from my ERC Advanced Grant FUNGRAPH.
I am currently a senior researcher at INRIA and the group leader of the GRAPHDECO research group at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis. My research interests are in rendering for computer graphics and sound. My recent work is on image-based rendering and textures, perceptual rendering, and in particular audio-visual cross-modal rendering, interactive illumination, shadows, relighting and interactive rendering in general. My responsibilities include managing the group, supervising graduate students and coordinating/managing research projects.
I chair the ACM SIGGRAPH Papers Advisory Group and the Eurographics Steering Committee for the Working Group on Rendering, and co-chair the GT Rendu of the GDR IGRV. I am also in charge of the Jacques Morgenstern colloquium. I was papers chair of SIGGRAPH Asia 2010, was associate editor (AE) for ACM Transactions on Graphics AE, co-editor in chief of IEEE Tran. on Computer Graphics and Visualization, chairman of the Eurographics Awards committee (2008-2013) and member of the Scientific and Technological Orientation Council (COST) of INRIA in charge of the International Relations working group. I was the recipient of the Eurographics Outstanding Technical Contributions award in 2007 (EG link), and also was nominated as a Eurographics Fellow.
My complete list of publications can be found here (sorted by type) and here (sorted by date). Recent publications from our FUNGRAPH research include: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering (ACM Trans. on Graphics, SIGGRAPH 2023), Active Exploration for Neural Global Illumination (ACM Trans. on Graphics, presented at SIGGRAPH 2022) and Neural Catacaustics for Neural View Synthesis of Reflections (ACM. Trans. on Graphics, SIGGRAPH Asia 2022).Current students & postdocs
I currently supervise two Ph.D.
students: G. Kopanas who
works on Neural Rendering and N. Violante who work on
generative models for rendering. I will be co-supervising
A. Petitjean
and Y. Poirier-Ginter, and supervising P.
Panantonakis starting fall 2023. I am hosting A.
Gauthier who is doing his postdoctoral
fellowship in our group.
Past Ph.D. Students (Co-) Supervised
Céline Loscos Xavier Granier Eric Paquette Alex Reche-Martinez Marie-Claude Frasson Florent Duguet Nicolas Bonneel Cecile Picard (partial co-supervision) Marcio Cabral Pierre-Yves Laffont Gaurav Chaurasia Emmanuelle Chapoulie Sylvain Duchêne Rodrigo Ortiz-Cayon Theo Thonat Valentin Deschaintre Simon Rodriguez Julien Philip Stavros Diolatzis Siddhant Prakash |
Professor at MIT,
Cambridge, USA Professor, University of Reims, France Professor, head of MANAO, Bordeaux, FR Professor at ETS, Montréal, Quebec Consultant KEENEO NVIDIA CNRS Researcher, LIRIS, Lyon, France Engineer Imaginarium, U. Lille Research Associate, USP, Brasil CEO Lemnis technologies Researcher at Oculus R&D Engineer at ANSYS/Optis CTO at Check & Visit Researcher at Fyusion Research Scientist at Adobe Paris Research Scientist at Adobe London R & D engineer at Spider Games Research Scientist at Adobe London Research Scientist at Intel Research Postdoctoral Fellow at UCL |
Past Postdocs Hosted
Walter Marc Stamminger Carsten Dachsbacher Ares Lagae Carles Bosch Peter Vangorp Jorge Lopez-Moreno Christian Richardt Stefan Popov Kenneth Vanhoey Abdelaziz Djelouah George-Alex Koulieris Thomas Leimkuehler Gilles Rainer Bernhard Kerbl |
University (1999 Grenoble) Professor U Erlangen (2000-2001, Marie-Curie) Professor U Kaiserlautern (2006-2007, Marie-Curie) KUL (2009-2010, FWO) U Girona (2010-2011, ERCIM) Lecturer Edge Hill University (2010-2012) U Madrid (2012-2013) (w/ A. Bousseau) Lecturer University of Bath (2012-2014) (w/ A. Bousseau) Google Research Unity Research Disney Research Zurich Asst. Prof. Durham University Group Leader at MPI Saarbruecken Postdoctoral fellow at Imperial College London Postdoctoral fellow at TU Wien |
Other Close (non-GRAPHDECO) Collaborators (past and present)
Sillion, Pierre
Poulin, Isabelle Viaud-Delmon, Ignacio Martin,
Maria Roussou,
David Bourguignon,
Roland Fleming, Olga Sorkine, Julie Dorsey, Holly
I taught advanced graphics and learning at Ecole Normale Superieure, Lyon (2021-2022),d computer graphics at the Ecole Centrale de Paris (2006-2017), and since 2012 I teach graphics (with A. Bousseau) in the Sophia-Antipolis International M1 program and in the MODSU Data Science Masters. I also taught in the Cannes MAPI ("Management for computer games" Masters). I taught computer graphics (with N. Tsingos & S. Lefebvre) in the Masters programme IGMMV, and in the ENA/Nice Sophia-Antipolis M1 program and I was the organiser and a lecturer of the Image Sythesis course (2001-2007) at the Institut Supérieure en Informatique et Automatique (ISIA) of the Ecole de Mines de Paris at Sophia-Antipolis.
Current Funded Projects
- ERC Advanced Grant FUNGRAPH,
treating uncertainty in computer graphics with
heterogeneous content
Past Funded Projects
- H2020 EMOTIVE where we apply IBR
to engaging
digital heritage experiences
- Marie-Curie PhySound (Gabriel Cirio, currently at Columbia) on sound synthesis
- CR-PLAY and EU FP7 project on image- and video-based techniques for games.
- ANR SEMAPOLIS a French national project on urban reconstruction and rendering
- VERVE an
EU IP FP7 project on virtual reality
technologies for the elderly and excluded.
a French national project on global illumination.
INRIA funded "joint research team" (Associated team) with UC
Berkeley (M. Agrawala, R. Ramamoorthi and M. Banks).
- CROSSMOD was an
EU Open FET IST project on audio-visual crossmodal
rendering which I coordinated from Dec. 2005-Dec. 2008.
The partners were Univ.
Bristol, UK, CNRS, IRCAM
France, TUW, Austria, CNR, Pisa, Italy and FAU, Erlangen
Germany. The goal was to better understand cross-modal
effects by specific initial experiments and then to develop new algorithmic
approaches exploiting cross-modal effects for better
audiovisual display. See the web
site (http://www.crossmod.org)
for all the results of the project, which was successfully
evaluated in Dec. 2008.
- ARC NIEVE: INRIA funded collaborative project with BUNRAKU and IRCAM on emotion and navigation in virtual environments.
- Marie-Curie Individual fellowships for C. Dacshbacher and M.
- CREATE was an EU IST 5th framework R&D project, on constructivist mixed reality for education and design. I managed the REVES/INRIA contribution, which has concentrated on the development of the rendering/display tools, and various aspects of capture. We were also in charge of the coordination with the Mission Tramway in Nice, which was our urban design application for the project.
- ARCHEOS was an INRIA financed 2 year research project (Action de Recherche Concertée) on non-photorealistic rendering for archeology. I was in charge of the overall coordination of the project.
- I was project coordinator of the first phase of the SIMULGEN ESPRIT Open LTR project, with partners from the Max Plank Institut, the University of Girona and Lightwork Ltd.
- I participated actively in the ARCADE ESPRIT Reactive LTR project under the responsibility of F. Sillion. The partners of this project were IGD in Darmstadt and LightWork in Sheffield.
Other Activities
I was technical papers chair for
SIGGRAPH Asia 2010. I co-chaired the papers program for the
Eurographics Conference 2008, in Crete, with Roberto Scopigno.
I also co-chaired the papers program of the Eurographics Conference 2002
with Hans-Peter Seidel, and the Eurographics
on Rendering 1998 with Nelson Max. I have served on the
Eurographics Workshop on Rendering programme committee (now
the Symposium) since 1995, and I have served on several times
on other program committees, including Eurographics, SIGGRAPH
and SIGGRAPH Asia PC's.Short Bio (for general use)
George Drettakis graduated from the Dept. of Computer Science in Crete, Greece, and obtained an M.Sc.and a Ph.D., (1994) at the Dept. of C.S. (Dynamic Graphics Project) at the University of Toronto, Canada, under the supervision of Eugene Fiume. He was an ERCIM postdoctoral fellow in Grenoble, Barelona and Bonn (94-95). He obtained a permament Inria researcher position in the iMAGIS group in Grenoble in 1995, and the degree of "Habilitation" at the University of Grenoble (1999). In 2000 he founded the REVES research group at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, which he headed from 2002 until Dec. 2015. Since July 2016 he heads the follow-up group GRAPHDECO. He became a INRIA Senior Researcher 2003; and DR1 (full professor equivalent) in 2008. He received the Eurographics (EG) Outstanding Technical Contributions award in 2007 and is an EG fellow. He was an associate editor for ACM Transactions on Graphics, technical papers chair of SIGGRAPH Asia 2010, associate editor and co-editor in chief of IEEE Trans. on Computer Graphics and Visualization (2011-2015). He leads the EG working group on Rendering. He has worked on many different topics in computer graphics, with an emphasis on rendering. He initially concentrated on lighting and shadow computation and subsequently worked on 3D audio, perceptually-driven algorithms, virtual reality and 3D interaction. In recent years he has worked on image-based rendering and relighting, textures, weathering and perception for graphics.Last Update: June 2023