Open PhD and postdoc positions in
- Federated Learning, generative networks, and privacy,
- AI and networks,
- Energy frugality.

Contact me if interested.

Intense research
Frédéric Giroire
Directeur de recherche at CNRS
Coati team-project (formerly Mascotte)
Joint project I3S (CNRS/ Université Nice Sophia Antipolis) and Inria
3IA Côte d'Azur fellow

Email: frederic -dot- giroire -at- cnrs -dot- fr
Tel: +33 (0)4 92 38 50 98
Fax: +33 (0)4 89 73 24 00
Sophia Antipolis, France.

Research Interests

- IA for Networks
- Energy efficiency
- Network security and privacy
- SDN networks and Network Virtualization
- Analysis of social networks
- Dynamic Routing
- Peer to peer storage systems
- Traffic analysis
- Analysis of algorithms
- Network design

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Ph.D. Students

- 2024-2027 Jamil Abou Ltaif
- 2024-2027 Pierre Pereira
- 2024-2027 Niccolo D'Archivio
- 2024-2027 Davide Ferre
- 2022-2025 Tiago da Silva Barros

- 2019-2022 Hicham Lesfari
- 2019-2022 Zhejiayu Ma
- 2018-2021 Adrien Gausseran
- 2017-2021 Thibaud Trolliet
- 2018-2021 Giuseppe di Lena
- 2016-2019 Andrea Tomassilli
- 2014-2017 Nicolas Huin
- 2010-2013 Remigiusz Modrzejewski
- 2009-2012 Julio Araujo

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- Our paper discussing the Attribute Inference Attacks for Federated Regression Tasks has just been accepted for publication in AAAI 2025. Congrats Francesco!
- Good news! Our paper discussing the Sparsity of the Strong Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for Neural Networks has just been accepted for publication in NeurIPS 2024.
- The Nokia/Inria Challenges SmartNet and LearnNet (2024-2027) on AI Methods for Smart Network Management and Learning Networks have started.
- The European project dAIEDGE (2023-2027), a network of excellence for distributed, trustworthy, efficient and scalable AI at the Edge, of HORIZON-CL4-2022-HUMAN-02-02 call was accepted.
- The PEPR CARECLOUD (2023-2030) was accepted. The goal is to understand, improve, and reduce the environmental impacts of Cloud Computing.
- January 2023. Our collaboration with the startup Hive starts for 3 years within the Alvearium Challenge.
- October 7, 2022. Defense of Hicham Lesfari. Hicham's PhD thesis was awarded the price of the UCA foundation. Congrats Hicham!
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Un cv


I am teaching in the Master IFI Ubinet, Master MDFI, and International Master of Computer Science.

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