I got my Ph.D. in calculus of variations applied to biomedical imaging, under the supervision of Laure Blanc-Féraud and Gilles Aubert in the Morpheme team. I am now working on spatial observation research, and really eager to pursue collaborations in various fields, especially related to inverse problem, optics, and computational physics as a whole. Feel free to contact me!
Dynamic off-the-grid reconstruction of curves in the space of position-orientation: theory and algorithms for paths untangling.
With Mr. Théo Bertrand (CEREMADE).
Preprint. To appear, 2024.
[PDF] [Code]
Collaboration with Mr. Cédric Dubois (LAM), we try to leverage continuous methods for stars/clumps localisation throughout different protocols.
A $\Gamma$-convergence result and an off-the-grid charge algorithm for curve reconstruction in inverse problems.
Bastien Laville, Laure Blanc-Féraud and Gilles Aubert.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (JMIV). 2024.
Off-the-grid curve reconstruction through divergence regularisation: an extreme point result.
Bastien Laville, Laure Blanc-Féraud and Gilles Aubert.
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (SIIMS), Volume 16, Issue 2, pp. 867-885. June 2023.
[PDF] [DOI] [Ref]
Off-the-grid variational sparse spike recovery: methods and algorithms.
Bastien Laville, Laure Blanc-Féraud and Gilles Aubert.
Journal of Imaging, Volume 7, Issue 12. December 2021. Review.
[PDF] [DOI] [Code] [TeX]
Off-the-grid charge algorithm for curve reconstruction in inverse problems.
Bastien Laville, Laure Blanc-Féraud and Gilles Aubert.
Springer LNCS 14009, 9th International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision. May 2023.
[PDF] [DOI] [Slides] [Code]
Off-the-grid covariance-based super-resolution microscopy.
Bastien Laville, Laure Blanc-Féraud and Gilles Aubert.
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (IEEE ICASSP). May 2022.
[PDF] [DOI] [Slides] [TeX slides] [Code]
Reconstruction de courbes en super-résolution sans-grille.
Bastien Laville, Laure Blanc-Féraud and Gilles Aubert.
GRETSI 2023. September 2023.
[PDF] [Slides] [TeX]
Super-résolution sans-grille pour l'imagerie de fluctuation.
Bastien Laville, Laure Blanc-Féraud and Gilles Aubert.
GRETSI 2022. September 2022.
[PDF] [Slides] [Code] [TeX]
2024 (C) - Inria