Error recovery in Tralics

This file list most of all errors produced by Tralics.


The command \a allows you to put an accent on a character. In fact \a'e is the same as \'e. The first line produces three errors, the last line five é.

11 \a{\bb} \a{12} \a{W}x
12 \a'e \a'{e} \a{'}e \a{'}{e}  \a {'} {e}
Error signaled at line 11 of file tty:
Bad syntax of \a, argument not a character \bb.
Error signaled at line 11 of file tty:
wanted a single token as argument to \a.
Error signaled at line 11 of file tty:
Bad syntax of \a, argument is W.

After the accent command, for instance \^, there should come a single letter, with or without braces. The first line produces six errors, the second is equivalent to añêañê

1 a\~{}b\^{}ca\~{}b\^{}c \^{ee}\^{\foo}
2 a\~n\^ea\~{n}\^{e}
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Error in accent, command = \~
\~{} is the wrong way to put a tilde in an URL.
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Error in accent, command = \^
Things like {\'{}} are a bit strange.
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Error in accent, command = \~
\~{} is the wrong way to put a tilde in an URL.
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Error in accent, command = \^
Things like {\'{}} are a bit strange.
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Error in accent, command = \^
Wanted a single token.
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Error in accent, command = \^
Letter needed instead of \foo.

In some cases you can put a double accent on a letter. The first line produces four errors signaled by \a, the second line shows correct syntax.

1 \^{\a\foo} \^{\a+e} \^{\a{}e} \^{\a'{ee}} 
2 \^{\'e} \a^{\a'e}\a^{\a'{e}}
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Bad syntax of \a, argument not a character \foo.
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Bad syntax of \a,  argument is {Character + of catcode 12}.
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Bad syntax of \a,  argument is {Character { of catcode 1}.
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Error in accent, command = \^
Wanted a single token.

Tralics allow you to put any accent on any letter. In the code that follows, we redefine the command that creates a composite character. Thus the third line provokes two errors while in general it gives none. You cannot put an accent on a non-letter and you cannot put a double accent on a letter if the result is not a Unicode character. Line four yields four errors. The last line shows that you can put an accent on å, æ and ø (and their upper case equivalent) entered as \aa, \ae \o.

1 \makeatletter \def\@unicode@composite#1{\badchar#1}
2 \def\badchar#1#2{\error{bad accent  on #1}}
3 \`x  \u z
4 \=+\=2\=é \^{\'i}
5 \=\i\=\ae\'aa\'\o
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Error: bad accent on x.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Error: bad accent on z.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
Error in accent, command = \=
Cannot put accent on non-letter character +.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
Error in accent, command = \=
Cannot put accent on digit 2.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
Error in accent, command = \=
Cannot put accent on a non 7-bit character.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
Error in accent, command = \^\'
Cannot put accent on letter i.

Errors in tables

The first argument to \newcolumntype has to be a 7- bit character. The first two lines provoke some errors

1 \newcolumntype{}{xx}\newcolumntype{foo}{xx}
2 \newcolumntype{é}{xx}\newcolumntype{\foo}{xx}
3 \newcolumntype{C}{{>$}c<{$}}
4 \newcolumntype{d}[1]{>{\rightdots{#1}}r<{\endrightdots}}
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Empty argument to \newcolumntype.
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
More than one token in argument to \newcolumntype.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Argument to \newcolumntype is not a 7bit character.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Argument to \newcolumntype is not a 7bit character.

If you say \newcolumntype{D}{xx}, then D will be replaced by xx, and this is checked again; an error is signaled if a loop is detected. After the replacement, errors are signaled if the result is not a known character.

1 \newcolumntype{D}{D}
2 \newcolumntype{E}{fg}
3 \def\foo{33}\newcolumntype{F}{\foo}
4 \begin{tabular}{D} x \end{tabular}
5 \begin{tabular}{E} x \end{tabular}
6 \begin{tabular}{F} x \end{tabular}
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
array preamble expansion: Infinite loop?.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Wrong character in array preamble f.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Wrong character in array preamble g.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
Wrong character in array preamble \foo.

The last line here shows a list of all possible characters in an array preamble. Some characters take an argument (shown in braces here). This may signal an error. There are some restrictions you cannot use a less-than-sign, an at-sign or a exclamation point anywhere.

1 \def\foo#1{\begin{tabular}{#1} x \end {tabular}}
2 \foo{!}\foo{@}\foo{c<}\foo{>}\foo{m}\foo{p}\foo{b}
3 \foo{c>{}@{}}\foo{c>{}!{}}\foo{<{x}}
4 \begin{tabular}{|clr!{1}@{2}c<{3}>{4}m{5}p{6}b{7}} x \end{tabular}
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Array preamble: argument missing for !.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Array preamble: argument missing for @.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Array preamble: argument missing for <.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Array preamble: argument missing for >.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Array preamble: argument missing for m.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Array preamble: argument missing for p.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Array preamble: argument missing for b.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
illegal ! or @.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
illegal ! or @.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
unexpected less-than sign.

If the array preamble contains >{foo}or <{bar} then the token list foo is inserted before the corresponding cell, and then token list bar after the cell. These lists are called the u- and v-parts. A special marker is inserted after the v-part; it is called the endv token. In the code that follows, the command \foo reads this token. When Tralics sees \end{tabular} it finishes the current cell; however, in the second (commented out) line, the \foo command gobbles then endv token and the end of the cell is never seen; Tralics loops without end. On the third line there is a \cr; this end the current row (and thus the current cell, without inserting a v-part). On line four, we show that \cr or the endv token cannot be used outside a table.

1 \def\foo#1{\gdef\Bar{#1}} 
2 %\begin{tabular}{c<{\foo}} x& y\end{tabular}
3 \begin{tabular}{c<{tt\foo}} x& y\cr\end{tabular}
4 \cr \Bar
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
bad \cr.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
Bad endv token.

Arithmetic errors

The basic commands like \advance, \multiply and \divide do not always test for overflow. (the \XX macro produces never an overflow, while the second call of \YY signals an error).

1 \def\XX{\advance \dimen0 by15000pt }
2 \def\YY{\advance \dimen0 by \dimen0 }
3 \dimen0= 17pt \XX \XX \XX \XX \XX \XX \XX
4 \dimen0= 15000pt \YY \YY
5 \count0=1234 \dimen0=5678pt \skip0= 3pt plus 5pt minus 6pt
6 \divide \count0 by 0 \divide \dimen0 by 0\divide \skip0 by 0
7 \dimen0=3000em \dimen0=4000ex \count0=9876543210
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, threshold=1073741823, cur val=1966080000.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, division by 0
in 1234/0.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, division by 0
in 372113408/0.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, division by 0.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, threshold=2^{30}
in 3000*655360+0.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, threshold=2^{30}
in 4000*278528+0.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
number too big.

On the other hand commands like \numexpr perform regular overflow checks. The error messages are also a bit different.

 1 \def\N#1{\the\numexpr #1\relax}
 2 \def\D#1{\the\dimexpr #1\relax}
 3 \def\G#1{\the\glueexpr #1\relax}
 4 \D{15000pt+15000pt}
 5 \N{12/0}\D{12pt/0}\G{12pt/0}
 6 \N{12*3/0}\D{12pt*3/0}\G{12pt*3/0}
 7 \D{1073741824sp}\G{1073741824sp}\G{0pt plus 1073741824sp}
 8 \D{16384pt} \G{16384pt plus 16384pt minus 16384pt}
 9 \dimen0= 1639pt \multiply\dimen0 by 10 \D{16384pt*10}
10 \D{16384pt*10}  \G{15000pt *3/2} \G{15000pt *2/3}
11 \N{2147483000+ 700}\G{0pt plus 15000pt+0pt plus 15000pt}
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, threshold=2^{30}
in 983040000+983040000.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Division by zero.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Division by zero.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Division by zero.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
Division by zero.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
Division by zero.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
Division by zero.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, threshold=1073741823, cur val=1073741824.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, threshold=1073741823, cur val=1073741824.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, threshold=1073741823, cur val=1073741824.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, threshold=2^{14}
for 16384.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, threshold=2^{14}
for 16384.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, threshold=2^{14}
for 16384.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, threshold=2^{14}
for 16384.
Error signaled at line 9 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, threshold=2^{30}=16384pt
in 107413504*10.
Error signaled at line 9 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, threshold=2^{14}
for 16384.
Error signaled at line 9 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, threshold=2^{30}=16384pt
in 1073741823*10.
Error signaled at line 10 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, threshold=2^{14}
for 16384.
Error signaled at line 10 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, threshold=2^{30}=16384pt
in 1073741823*10.
Error signaled at line 10 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow
in 983040000*3/2.
Error signaled at line 11 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, threshold=2^{31}
in 2147483000+700.
Error signaled at line 11 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, threshold=2^{30}
in 983040000+983040000

There are at most 256 possible fonts, and you might see fatal: font table overflow after too many uses of \newfont. Trying to modify a parameter of non-existing font is an error. Moreover, indices must be in the range zero to 100000. The last line here is correct.

1 \newfont\foo=cmr10
2 \skewchar \empty 10 \fontdimen0 \empty 10pt
3 \fontdimen -3 \foo 10pt \fontdimen 123456 \foo 10pt
4 \skewchar \foo 10 \fontdimen0 \foo 10pt
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Missing font identifier.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
attempt to modify unexistent font param.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Missing font identifier.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
attempt to modify unexistent font param.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
attempt to modify unexistent font param.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
attempt to modify unexistent font param.

We show some errors signaled while parsing numbers

 1 \catcode0=17 \mathcode0=32800 \sfcode0=32800 \delcode0=1234567890
 2 \lccode0=66000 \uccode0=66000 \lccode0=-1
 3 \advance\par by 3pt
 4 \count0=1234567890
 5 \advance \skip0by \muskip0 \advance \muskip0by \skip0
 6 \advance \muskip0by 3pt \advance \muskip0by 3mu
 7 \advance \skip0by 3mu
 8 \advance\skip0 by 3ex plus 2fillll
 9 \count32000=zero \count0=12345678901
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Invalid code (out of bounds)
\catcode wants 0<=N<=15, got N=17.
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Invalid code (out of bounds)
\mathcode wants 0<=N<=32768, got N=32800.
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Invalid code (out of bounds)
\sfcode wants 0<=N<=32767, got N=32800.
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Invalid code (out of bounds)
\delcode wants 0<=N<=16777215, got N=1234567890.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Invalid code (out of bounds)
\lccode wants 0<=N<=65535, got N=66000.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Invalid code (out of bounds)
\uccode wants 0<=N<=65535, got N=66000.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Invalid code (out of bounds)
\lccode wants 0<=N<=65535, got N=-1.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Invalid argument for \advance.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Incompatible glue units in \advance
in conversion from mu to glue.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Incompatible glue units in \advance
in conversion from glue to mu.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
Incompatible glue units in \advance
Expected mu unit, found something else.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Missing unit (replaced by pt) m.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
Illegal unit of measure (replaced by filll).
Error signaled at line 9 of file tty:
Bad register code replaced by 0
\count wants 0<=N<=1023, with N=32000.
Error signaled at line 9 of file tty:
Missing number, treated as zero scanned by \count.
Error signaled at line 9 of file tty:
number too big.

The first argument of \setlength has to be a command name, generally a register allocated by \newlength. Since there is only a finite number of counters, you may see errors like Overflow in \newdimen; max value is 1023. The argument to \newif must start with the two letters I and F. The \read command expands its arguments when looking at a 'to' keyword, this is why we make sure \foo exists. We show some errors signaled by the calc package. Note: the last line number should be 9 and not 8. This is because of the \usepackage command in interactive mode; if you put the code in a file, everything will be OK; however, if the code follows \begin{document}, you will get another error; Bad \usepackage command. The following command is not in outer vertical mode: \usepackage. Note also that the line without a number should not be put in the file, but given as answer to \read. If nevertheless it is in the file, then line you type will executed. in particular, you get an endless loop if the answer contains \foo.

 1 \newlength\mylength \newif\myif
 2 \setlength{\dimen0}{2cm}\setlength{\mylength}{2cm}
 3 \the\par
 4 \let\foo\relax \read0 \foo
     This line is read into \foo
 5 \the\numexpr(2=3)
 6 \the\fontdimen2\relax
 7 \par\usepackage{calc}
 8 \setlength{\parindent}{3Pt/0}\setlength{\parindent}{3Pt=0}
 8 \setbox0=\par
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
token list \newif does not start with if.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
The command \setlength takes one token as argument.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
You can't use `\par' after \the.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
Missing to inserted.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Expected + - * / or ); closing paren inserted.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
Missing font identifier.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
Arithmetic overflow, division by 0
in 196608/0.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
unexpected token in calc
{Character = of catcode 12}.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
A box was assumed to be here, got \par.

Errors in the bibliography

At the end of the job, Tralics reads the bibliography, in order to solve all unsolved references, and translates the corresponding. parts. The bibliography file shown here has some errors. We shall comment them one after the other.

For Inria's activity report you can see additional errors of the form entry moved from refer to year because either there is no year field, it is invalid, is the current year, or because the reference is not yet published. There are errors of the form the year field of this entry should be XXX, it is missing or YYY.

26 \bibliography{test}
27 \cite{foo, foo1,foo2,foo3,foo4,foo5,foo6,foo7,foo8} 
28 \bibitem {foo2}\bibitem {foo2}
29 \section{foo}\XMLsolvecite{foo3}

This is the bibliography database

 3 @article {foo, title = {\cite{bar} etc}}
 4 @article {foo1, title = ok}
 5 @article {foo1, title = {ok}}
 6 @article{foo4, 1=2,
 7   author={,, and {},{},{}}, % not a comment
 8   énot7bit is bad
 9   () parens are bad either
10   xx={} ,author =0,  yy = "foo"-"bar",
11   author={123}, 
12  xx=aa(),
13  author={123})
14 @article thiswordwrong (foo5, author={Jos{\'e} Gr{\^\i} mm} )
15 @article{foo6, author="foo&sons", editor = "a,b,c,d"}
16 @article{foo7, author="foo{ and sons}}",  }
17 @article{foo8, author="foo \and sons and Jos\'e Gr\^\i mm",  title="foo \and sons",  }
18 @article

The effect of \bibitem{foo} is to mark the reference as solved; you can solve it only once. The effect of \XMLsolvecite{foo3} acts like \bibitem; it says that the current XML element solves the reference. This command may fail if the current element has already a unique id (here the current XML element is the section). The last line here is not an error: it is just an information, Tralics has seen 9 citations, and has solved one.

Error signaled at line 28 of file te.tex:
Bibliography entry already defined foo2.
Translating section command div0: foo.
Error signaled at line 29 of file te.tex:
Cannot solve (element has an Id) foo3.
Bib stats: seen 9(1) entries.

There are two entries called foo1, the second one will be ignored. The first one has title=ok, and Tralics needs a value for the macro ok.

Error detected at line 4 of bibliography file test.bib
in entry foo1 started at line 4
undefined macro ok.
Error detected at line 5 of bibliography file test.bib
in entry foo1 started at line 5
duplicate entry ignored.

Entry foo4 has a lot of errors. We have first 1=2, this is illegal; a field cannot start with a percent sign, a 8bit-character, an open parenthesis, etc. In all these cases, the remainder of the current line will be ignored (and the parser may be in a silly state). You say foo#bar if you want to concatenate two values; on line 10 there is a dash, and Tralics complains as it expected a comma. The last error is that the entry is terminated by a parenthesis instead of a closing brace (a closing parenthesis is allowed, provided that the entry starts with a parenthesis, see entry foo5).

Error detected at line 6 of bibliography file test.bib
in entry foo4 started at line 6
bad syntax for a field name
it cannot start with a digit
remaining characters on current line will be ignored.
Error detected at line 7 of bibliography file test.bib
in entry foo4 started at line 6
bad syntax for a field name
it cannot start with `%'
(A percent sign is not a comment character in bibtex)
remaining characters on current line will be ignored.
Error detected at line 8 of bibliography file test.bib
in entry foo4 started at line 6
bad syntax for a field name
it cannot start with `é'
remaining characters on current line will be ignored.
Error detected at line 9 of bibliography file test.bib
in entry foo4 started at line 6
bad syntax for a field name
it cannot start with `('
remaining characters on current line will be ignored.
Error detected at line 10 of bibliography file test.bib
in entry foo4 started at line 6
duplicate field `author' ignored.
Error detected at line 10 of bibliography file test.bib
in entry foo4 started at line 6
expected comma before a field.
Error detected at line 10 of bibliography file test.bib
in entry foo4 started at line 6
bad syntax for a field name
expected `=' sign
remaining characters on current line will be ignored.
Error detected at line 11 of bibliography file test.bib
in entry foo4 started at line 6
bad syntax for a field type
it cannot end with `='
expecting `,', `#' or `}'
remaining characters on current line will be ignored.
Error detected at line 12 of bibliography file test.bib
in entry foo4 started at line 6
bad syntax for a field type
it cannot end with `('
expecting `,', `#' or `}'
remaining characters on current line will be ignored.
Error detected at line 13 of bibliography file test.bib
in entry foo4 started at line 6
duplicate field `author' ignored.
Error detected at line 13 of bibliography file test.bib
in entry foo4 started at line 6
bad end delimiter.

On line 15 there is some junk between the keyword @article and the opening brace. On line 16 braces do not balance in the string. Finally, the file ends in the middle of an entry.

Error detected at line 14 of bibliography file test.bib
bad syntax for an entry type
expected `('  or `{'
all characters up to next `('  or `{' ignored.
Error detected at line 16 of bibliography file test.bib
in entry foo7 started at line 16
illegal closing brace.
Error detected at line 18 of bibliography file test.bib
Illegal end of bibtex database file.

After finishing analysis of the data base, Tralics signals an error: reference foo3 was not found. Some additional errors are signaled. A name is formed of three parts; last name, first name, junior, separated by commas. Tralics insists that an empty slot be marked by {}. Moreover at least one of these fields has to be non-empty (if no comma is given, the only fields contains the first and the last name).

Error signaled while handling entry cite:foo3
undefined reference.
Error signaled while handling entry cite:foo4 (line 6)
misplaced comma in bibtex name
you should say "{},{},foo", instead of  ",,foo" in 
 ,, and {},{},{}.
Error signaled while handling entry cite:foo4 (line 6)
misplaced comma in bibtex name
you should say "{},{},foo", instead of  ",,foo" in 
 ,, and {},{},{}.
Error signaled while handling entry cite:foo4 (line 6)
empty name in
 ,, and {},{},{}.

Multiple names should be separated by and, not by commas or an ampersand. A particularity of bibtex is that commands should not appear at top-level. You should for instance say Jos{\'e}. Tralics allows Jos\'e as well as José. It signals an error if you want to put an accent on a non-letter as in Gr\^\i mm. Note also that Tralics considers mm as the last in this case.

Error signaled while handling entry cite:foo6 (line 15)
unexpected character `&' (did you mean `and' ?)
bad syntax in author or editor name
error occurred at character position 4 in the string
Error signaled while handling entry cite:foo6 (line 15)
too many commas (namely 3) in name
Error signaled while handling entry cite:foo8 (line 17)
commands allowed only within braces
bad syntax in author or editor name
error occurred at character position 5 in the string
 foo \and sons and Jos\'e Gr\^\i mm.
Error signaled while handling entry cite:foo8 (line 17)
bad accent construct
bad syntax in author or editor name
error occurred at character position 28 in the string
 foo \and sons and Jos\'e Gr\^\i mm.
Error signaled while handling entry cite:foo8 (line 17)
commands allowed only within braces
bad syntax in author or editor name
error occurred at character position 30 in the string
 foo \and sons and Jos\'e Gr\^\i mm.

Tralics tells us that it extract seven entries from the data base (remember that one entry was already solved, and another one missing). Finally, the translation of entry foo had \cite command in it. This is illegal.

Seen 7 bibliographic entries.
Error signaled at line 12:
Citation after loading biblio?.
There were 28 errors.

Other errors

The \end{figure} commands performs some checks, that fail if \begin{figure} is redefined. You cannot put \begin{document} inside a group; you cannot use \endcsname before \csname. You cannot use hat or underscore characters outside of math mode. There are 30 commands, for instance \lastkern, that are read-only. You should use them as \the\lastkern or \skip0=\lastkern; in other cases an error is signaled; if the command takes an argument, they are not read. If you say \@onlypreamble\foo, then \foo cannot be used after \begin{document}. Assume that \begin{foo} had not been used. Then \endfoo is an error, and \endfoo is not called. But if this appears in the text then either Tralics complains that the command is undefined, or does nothing, or says that the stack does not contain some object; There are a few commands (like math environments) that say that \begin is missing.

1 \makeatletter
2 \def\figure {} \begin{figure}  \end{figure}
3 \def\table {} \begin{table} \end{table}
4 \@onlypreamble\url.
5 \begingroup \begin{document} \endcsname ^_
6 \the\lastkern \skip0=\lastkern
7 \lastkern \numexpr \fontcharwd \url
8 \end{foo}\endfoo \endlist \endcenter \endequation
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
no figure/table on stack.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Error in pop; stack holds document; trying to pop figure.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
no figure/table on stack.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Error in pop; stack holds document; trying to pop table.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
\begin{document} not at level 0.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Extra \endcsname.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Missing dollar not inserted, token ignored: {Character ^ of catcode 7}.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Missing dollar not inserted, token ignored: {Character _ of catcode 8}.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Read only variable \lastkern.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Read only variable \numexpr.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Read only variable \fontcharwd.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Can be used only in preamble: \url.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
cannot close environment foo.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
Undefined command \endfoo.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
Error in pop; stack holds document; trying to pop list.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
missing \begin environment \endequation.

Errors signaled by the the date package

207 \usepackage{datenumber}
208 \setdatenumber{2011}{04}{30} \datedate
209 \setdatenumber{2011}{13}{30}\setdatenumber{2011}{-5}{30}
210 \setdatenumber{2011}{04}{32}\setdatenumber{2011}{05}{32}
211 \setdatenumber{2011}{04}{-3}\setdatenumber{-10}{04}{32}
212 \setdatenumber{2011}{02}{30}\setdatenumber{2012}{02}{30}
Error signaled at line 209 of file tty:
Date error: month>12 2011/13/30.
Error signaled at line 209 of file tty:
Date error: month<1 2011/-5/30.
Error signaled at line 210 of file tty:
Date error: day>30 2011/4/32.
Error signaled at line 210 of file tty:
Date error: day>31 2011/5/32.
Error signaled at line 211 of file tty:
Date error: day<1 2011/4/-3.
Error signaled at line 211 of file tty:
Date error: year<1 -10/4/32.
Error signaled at line 211 of file tty:
Package datenumber: datenumber < startyear (-10 < \@startyear ).
Error signaled at line 212 of file tty:
Date error: day>28 2011/2/30.
Error signaled at line 212 of file tty:
Date error: day>29 2012/2/30.

Error signaled by the fp package

 9 \FPadd\foo{999999999999999999}{.5} ok
10 \FPmul\fooe\foo{1.0000001} overflow
11 \FPadd\fooe\foo{.5} bad
12 \FPdiv\fooe\foo{0.99} 
13 \FPpascal\foo{200}
14 \FPtrunc\foo{1234}{-3}
15 \FPround\foo{1234}{-4}
16 \FPdiv\foo{3}{0}
17 \FPln\foo{-3.4}\FPln\foo{0}
18 \FPexp\foo{41} \FPexp\foo{42}
19 \FPpow\foo{-1}{2}\FPpow\foo{0}{-2}
20 \FParccos\foo{1}
21 \FParccos\foo{1.2}
22 \FParcsin\foo{1.2}
23 \FPround\foo{12345678901234567890}{4}
Error signaled at line 10 of file te.tex:
Overflow in FPmul.
Error signaled at line 11 of file te.tex:
Overflow in FPadd.
Error signaled at line 12 of file te.tex:
Overflow in FPdiv.
Error signaled at line 13 of file te.tex:
out of bound 200 max value is 63.
Error signaled at line 14 of file te.tex:
Negative number -3 in truncate.
Error signaled at line 15 of file te.tex:
Negative number -4 in round.
Error signaled at line 16 of file te.tex:
division by zero.
Error signaled at line 17 of file te.tex:
Log of negative number.
Error signaled at line 17 of file te.tex:
Log of 0.
Error signaled at line 18 of file te.tex:
Overflow in FPexp.
Error signaled at line 19 of file te.tex:
First argument negative.
Error signaled at line 21 of file te.tex:
Number greater than one for \FP@arccos.
Error signaled at line 22 of file te.tex:
Number greater than one for \FP@arcsin.
Error signaled at line 23 of file te.tex:
overflow in FPread.

Error in math mode

In a number of cases, Tralics stops scanning tokens in math mode when it sees an error, because it generally minimizes the number of further errors. Here are some errors.

 1 $\left+\right -$
 2 $\left ( no right;$ 
 3 $no left but \right.$
 4 $a}  we are out of math here
 5 $a \par we are out of math here
 6 $a \frac{b} \par  we are out of math here
 7 $ \end{displaymath} we are out of math here
 8 $$ x $ we are out of math here
 9 $x {  $ y} $ we are out of math here
10 $ \frac {$} 2$ we are out of math here
11 $\begin{array}{c} $ x \end{array}$  we are out of math here
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Invalid character in \left or \right
{Character + of catcode 12}.
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Invalid character in \left or \right
{Character - of catcode 12}.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Missing \right. inserted.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Unexpected \right.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
Unexpected }.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Unexpected \par.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
Unexpected \par while scanning argument of \frac.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
Unexpected }.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Bad \end{displaymath}.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
Display math should end with $$.
Error signaled at line 9 of file tty:
Out of scope $ ignored, maybe a } is missing here.
Error signaled at line 10 of file tty:
Extra $ ignored while scanning argument of \frac.
Error signaled at line 11 of file tty:
Extra $ ignored....

In a table, the command \multicolumn takes 3 arguments. In the first case shown here, there are too many tokens; this is harmless. In the second case, there are two few arguments and the ampersand is considered the last argument. In the third case, the \end token is the argument, and Tralics is in a bad state; it needs two \pars to get out of math mode. There is a problem on the next line: the array environment has an optional argument, and the closing bracket is missing; the mandatory argument is also missing. Some environments like gather enter display math mode; they are forbidden in math mode. You can use \eqno only in display math mode. Only one label is allowed in a formula. Note the error on the last line: in some case it is not possible to convert the math expression into MathML.

1 $\begin{array}{c} \multicolumn{2}{a}{b}{c} & d\end{array} $
2 $\begin{array}{c} \multicolumn{2}{a}& \end{array} $
3 $\begin{array}{c} \multicolumn{2}{a}\end{array} $ \par\par
4 $\begin{array} [ \end{array} $ 
5 $x \begin {gather} xx \end{gather}y $
6 $x\eqno y \label {a}\label {b}$
7 $a\over b \over c  a^b^c a_b_c  a^ ^ b__  c-^d_$
8 $\hbox{\vbox{foo}} \xbox{foo}{bar}$
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Cell contains garbage after \multicolumn.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Wrong goup delimiter
got `cell', expected `math'.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Wrong goup delimiter
got `math', expected `cell'.
--- {Character & of catcode 4}
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Bad math expression.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Missing { inserted before unexpected } in argument of {Character $ of catcode 3}.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Bad \end{}.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Extra $ ignored....
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Unexpected \par.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Unexpected \par.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Cell contains garbage after \multicolumn.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
missing ].
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
missing argument.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
bad math env gather.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
Command \eqno allowed only in display math.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
Label will be lost: a.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Too many commands of type \over.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
double superscript.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
double subscript.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Two consecutive _ or ^ characters.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Two consecutive _ or ^ characters.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Math formula should not finish with _.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
bad hbox (see transcript file for details).
--- \xbox
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
Bad math expression.

Parsing errors

In some cases Tralics expects an opening brace and sees none, or sees a closing brace. Various error messages may be issued:
A left brace was mandatory here, so I've put one in,
Extra closing brace (scanning started at line 17) for argument to \foo,
Too many closing braces
Missing { inserted before unexpected } in argument of \foo,
Spurious close brace removed,
missing brace for token register \everyhbox,
too many closing braces in \read.

A runaway error is signaled when scanning of an argument is interrupted by an end-of-file or sometimes \par or any macro declared \outer. You could see messages like
End of data reached while scanning end of environment foo,
End of data reached while scanning a group; scanning argument of \foo
End of data reached while scanning argument of \foo
End of data reached while scanning start of argument
Runaway argument?; Paragraph ended while scanning an argument of \foo
End of data reached while scanning \fi for condition started on line 17
End of data reached while expecting \endcsname
End of data reached while scanning content of foo;
end of data instead of a number after #
Unterminated \if
\if at end of file
unbalanced \read.

On line 3, the name of the new command is illegal and the body is missing. On line four, the open brace is missing after the (optional) arguments of \hbox. Note the that end-of-file after \iffalse confuses Tralics a bit.

 1 \def\foo#1{} \foo{\par}
 2 \outer\def\Foo{} \def\foo#1{} \foo{\Foo}
 3 \newcommand{\foo\bar}. 
 4 \hbox foo}
 5 \iffalse
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Runaway argument?
Paragraph ended while scanning an argument of \foo.
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Extra }.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Runaway argument?
Forbidden control sequence \Foo found while scanning use of \foo.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Extra }.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Attempt to define: \foo \bar .
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Only one token allowed in argument list of \newcommand.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
A left brace was mandatory here, so I've put one in.
Argument was replaced by {}.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
A left brace was mandatory here, so I've put one in.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Incomplete \if? missing \fi inserted
End of file in conditional started at line 5.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
End of data reached while scanning \fi
for condition started on line 5.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Extra \fi
I'm ignoring this; it doesn't match any \if.

On the first line the specification of the the number of arguments is wrong. On the second line there should be #1 instead of #2. On line 3, there are attempt to insert \char inside a name. On line 4, we try to globally set the counter foo; this is an error since the counter is undefined. Note the assignment is global, so that \global is useless; in this case, the prefix applies to {0} since other tokens have been discarded. Line 5 shows that the prefix is usually accepted, but other prefixes like \log or \outer apply only to \def. One line 6 we have a silly definition of \c@foo.

1 \newcommand\fooA[25]{} \newcommand\fooB[\one]{} \newcommand\fooC[x]{} 
2 \def\foo#2{}
3 \csname \char 32\endcsname \newcounter{\char 32}
4 \global\relax\setcounter{foo}{0}
5 \global\setcounter{page}{0}\long\outer\setcounter{page}{0}
6 \makeatletter\let\c@foo\relax\value{foo}
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Bad syntax in optional argument
Only one token allowed
I will assume that the command takes no argument.
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Bad syntax in optional argument
Commands are not allowed
I will assume that the command takes no argument.
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Bad syntax in optional argument
Argument should be a digit
I will assume that the command takes no argument.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Error while scanning definition of \foo
got #{Character 2 of catcode 12}, expected #1.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Invalid token \char
found between \csname and \endcsname.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Extra \endcsname.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Invalid token \char
found in counter name.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Extra \endcsname.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
Unknown counter `foo'.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
You cannot use the prefix \global before {Character { of catcode 1}.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
You cannot use the prefix \global\long\outer  before \c@page.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
Invalid counter `foo'.

We show here some errors produced by the \verb command. It cannot be an argument of a command, and the argument of \verb must be on the current line. You can define a short-verb command, so that |foo| is the same as \verb+foo+. You can save verbatim text (see line 5). The verbatim text has to be on the current line. At line 8, we see that a verbatim-like environment cannot be an argument of a command.

At line 9 is an instance of a special error: in some cases, Tralics expects an internal buffer to be empty. This is normally the case if \item immediately follows the start of the environment, this is also the case when the environment is not buried in a box or a table like here. A remedy might be to insert a \par token before the \item

1 \def\foo{\verb=bar=} \foo ?
2 \verb+foo
3 \DefineShortVerb{\|}\DefineShortVerb{\|}\UndefineShortVerb{\+}
4 \DefineShortVerb{}\DefineShortVerb{abc}\DefineShortVerb{\abc}
5 \SaveVerb{foo}|bar| \SaveVerb{foo}
6 \endlinechar=-1
7 \verb
 ok \def\foo{\begin{comment} etc} \foo
9 \hbox{\begin{description} bad\item o\end{description}}
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
\verb in argument of a command.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
\verb terminated by end of line.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
\DefineShortVerb: Already a short verb \|.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
\UndefineShortVerb: Not a short verb \+.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
\DefineShortVerb: One argument required.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
\DefineShortVerb: One argument required.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
\DefineShortVerb: A one-char control sequence is needed instead of \abc.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
\SaveVerb : no delimiter found.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
\verb at end of line.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
Verbatim-like environment in argument : comment.
Error signaled at line 9 of file tty:
In \item, non-empty buffer 
Some text may be lost.


We start with showing what happens when an undefined command or environment is seen. We also show some errors that happen when defining a command. The last error on line 9 is because\@ifdefinable signals an error when the command cannot be defined.

1 \undefined \begin{undefined} \end{undefined}
2 \newcommand{b}\renewcommand{b}
3 \newcommand{\b}\renewcommand{\B}
4 \newcommand{}{}\providecommand{12}{}
5 \newboolean{foo}\newboolean{foo}\newboolean{\par}
6 \setboolean {foo}{OK}\setboolean {bar}{false}
7 \def\foo\bar#1{#1} \foo c
8 \def\foo#x#1{xx #x#3}
9 \makeatletter \@ifdefinable{foo}{ok}\@ifdefinable\bar{ok}
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Undefined command \undefined.
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Undefined environment undefined.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
A left brace was mandatory here, so I've put one in.
Argument was replaced by {}.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
A left brace was mandatory here, so I've put one in.
Argument was replaced by {}.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Undefined command \B.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
Empty argument list for \newcommand.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
Attempt to define: 12.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
Only one token allowed in argument list of \providecommand.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
boolean \iffoo already defined in \newboolean.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Invalid token \par found while scanning newboolean.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Extra \endcsname.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
boolean value neither true nor false: ok.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
Undefined boolean \barfalse.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Use of \foo doesn't match its definition;
got c, expected \bar.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
Error while scanning definition of \foo
got #x, expected #1.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
bad token (x) after #.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
bad token ({Character 3 of catcode 12}) after #.
Error signaled at line 9 of file tty:
Wrong syntax in \@ifdefinable.
Error signaled at line 9 of file tty:
Undefinable command \bar.

The commands & and \\ can be used in an array. The command \\ also be used as end of paragraph marker, in some cases; otherwise an error will be signaled. An error is signaled for the two \url commands for historical reasons. The error message of \href is a bit strange.

1 \begin{tabular}{c}\newline 1\\2 \end{tabular}
2 \hbox{a\\ b\newline c} &
3 \sin  o
4 \color{blue}
5 \url{()}\url{}
6 \href{\texttt{x}}{y}  
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Bad use of \newline.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Bad use of \\.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Bad use of \newline.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Unexpected &.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Math only command \sin.
(Contrarily to TeX, Tralics does not switch to math much in such a case.)
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
Undefined color blue.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Invalid URL value.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Invalid URL value.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
unexpected font change tt.
you should perhaps use \Href{\url{x}}{y}
  instead of \Href{y}{\url{x}}

The commands & and \\ can be used in an array. The command \\ also be used as end of paragraph marker, in some cases; otherwise an error will be signaled

Some other errors

1 \count0=`\bar
2 \includegraphics[1=2]{foo}
3 \ifnum 1 2 \fi \hbox foo}
4 \label {foo}\label{foo}
5 \end{} \unless\par
6 \shipout\box255
7 \DeclareTextCommand \foo{body of foo}
8 \xbox{a{\bf b}$c$}{the box}
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Improper alphabetic constant \bar.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Invalid key in \includegraphics 1 = 2.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Missing = inserted for comparison {Character 2 of catcode 12}.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
A left brace was mandatory here, so I've put one in.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
Label 'foo' multiply defined (first use line 4 file tty).
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Illegal \end{}.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
You cannot use \unless before \par.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
\shipout is undefined.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Unimplemented NFSS command \DeclareTextCommand.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
A left brace was mandatory here, so I've put one in.
Argument was replaced by {}.

There are some not-yet implemented commands.

1 \middle \accent 27 \delimiter 17
2 \halign {etc} \insert 12{value} \mathaccent 12 \mathchar 13
3 \noalign \noboundary \omit \radical 12
4 \vadjust {code}
5 \valign \span \dump \widthof \heightof \depthof 
7 \vcenter{a box}
7 \textquotestraightbase
8 \textquotestraightdblbase
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Unimplemented e-TeX extension \middle.
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \accent.
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \delimiter.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \halign.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \insert.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \mathaccent.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \mathchar.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \noalign.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \noboundary.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \omit.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \radical.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \vadjust.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \valign.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \span.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \dump.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \widthof.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \heightof.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \depthof.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \vcenter.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \textquotestraightbase.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
Unimplemented command \textquotestraightdblbase.


We show here some errors signaled by the xkeyval package.

30 \makeatletter\usepackage{xkeyval}\par
31 \define@key {XK\relax V}{foo}
32 \define@key {XKV}{foo\char16 etc}{12}
33 \disable@keys [XKV]{XKV}{foo}
34 \define@key {aa}{a}{}\define@key {aa}{b}{}\define@key {aa}{c}{}
35 \setkeys{aa}{a=1,\savevalue{b}=2, \savevalue{c}=\usevalue{b}}
36 \setkeys{aa}{a=1,\savevalue{d}=2, \savevalue{c}=\usevalue{a}}
37 \setkeys{aa}{a=\usevalue\bar}
38 \setkeys{aa}{\savevalue{c}=\usevalue{c}}
39 \setkeys{aa}{a,b=c,d=e}
Error signaled at line 31 of file tty:
Bad command \relax in XKV family (more errors may follow).
Error signaled at line 31 of file tty:
A left brace was mandatory here, so I've put one in.
Argument was replaced by {}.
Error signaled at line 32 of file tty:
bad key name.
Error signaled at line 32 of file tty:
A left brace was mandatory here, so I've put one in.
Argument was replaced by {}.
Error signaled at line 32 of file tty:
Extra \endcsname.
Error signaled at line 33 of file tty:
xkeyval: `XKV' prefix is not allowed'.
Error signaled at line 33 of file tty:
Undefined key cannot be disabled: foo.
Error signaled at line 36 of file tty:
Undefined key: d.
Error signaled at line 36 of file tty:
No value recorded for key `a'; ignored.
Error signaled at line 37 of file tty:
Invalid \usevalue token.
Error signaled at line 38 of file tty:
Replace pointer aborted, (infinite loop?).
Error signaled at line 39 of file tty:
No value specified for key `a'.
Error signaled at line 39 of file tty:
Undefined key: d.

We show here some errors produced by the kvoptions package. There are a bunch of errors due to the fact that the Declare-XXX-Option commands check that no macro will be overwritten (note that, in case of error, some arguments are not read, this might signal further errors). When loading the package there is an error as BH expects a boolean (true or false) and VA takes no argument. We first show the TeX file:


This is the package file

 4 \ProvidesPackage{kvo}[2007/10/18 kvoptions test]
 5 \RequirePackage{kvoptions}
 6 \SetupKeyvalOptions{family=MCS,prefix=MCS@}
 7 \DeclareVoidOption{VA}{\let\seeva\relax}
 8 \DeclareVoidOption{VB}{}
 9 \DeclareBoolOption[true]{BH}
10 \DeclareStringOption[foo]{SB}
11 \def\MCS@SA{}\DeclareStringOption{SA}
12 \def\MCS@SB{}\DeclareVoidOption{SB}
13 \def\MCS@SCtrue{}\DeclareBoolOption{SC}
14 \def\MCS@SDfalse{}\DeclareBoolOption{SD}
15 \def\ifMCS@SE{}\DeclareBoolOption{SE}
16 \def\MCS@SFtrue{}\DeclareComplementaryOption{SF}{BH}
17 \def\MCS@SGtrue{}\DeclareComplementaryOption{SG}{BH}
18 \DeclareComplementaryOption{SH}{Sh}
19 \ProcessKeyvalOptions*
Error signaled at line 11 of file kvo.plt:
Cannot redefine \MCS@SA.
Error signaled at line 11 of file kvo.plt:
Cannot redefine \MCS@SB.
Error signaled at line 12 of file kvo.plt:
Cannot redefine \MCS@SCtrue.
Error signaled at line 13 of file kvo.plt:
Cannot redefine \MCS@SDfalse.
Error signaled at line 14 of file kvo.plt:
Cannot redefine \ifMCS@SE.
Error signaled at line 15 of file kvo.plt:
Cannot redefine \MCS@SFtrue.
Error signaled at line 16 of file kvo.plt:
Cannot redefine \MCS@SGtrue.
Error signaled at line 17 of file kvo.plt:
Cannot generate code for `SH', no parent Sh.
Error signaled at line 18 of file kvo.plt:
Illegal boolean value TRUE ignored.
Value  should be true or false in package kvo.
Error signaled at line 18 of file kvo.plt:
Option VA takes no argument.

We show here errors produced by the date parser. The first line is OK (unambiguous). Line 5 is OK (order of items is specified).

1 \formatdate{23/11/2009}\formatdate{23 jan 2009}
2 \formatdate{23 jan 29} \formatdate{2003 jan feb}
3 \formatdate{1 32 33}\formatdate{12345 32 33}
4 \formatdate{today}\formatdate{1 2}
5 \formatdate{1 2 3 YMD}
6 \formatdate{1 22 3 YMD}
7 \formatdate{1 2 33 YMD}
8 \formatdate{jan 2 3 YMD} \formatdate{2 3 jan  YMD}
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Unable to distinguish between year day and month.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Date has two month fields.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Date has two fields with value>31.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Too many digits in date field.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
Expected digits or a month in letters.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
Missing fields in date.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
Bad month field.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Bad day field.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
Bad year field.
Error signaled at line 8 of file tty:
Bad day field.

Classes and styles

Some errors are signaled by classes or packages. Here are some examples.

1 \ClassError {myclass}{foo}{bar}
2 \ClassError {myclass}{error line1\MessageBreak error line2}{unused}
3 \PackageError {mypack}{foo}{bar}
4 \PackageError {mypack}{error line1\MessageBreak error line2}{unused}
5 \GenericError{myprefix}{error line1\MessageBreak error line2}{unused}{unused}
6 \csname @latex@error\endcsname {aa}{unused}
7 \error{this is an error}
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Class myclass Error: foo.
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
Class myclass Error: error line1
(myclass)            error line2.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Package mypack Error: foo.
Error signaled at line 4 of file tty:
Package mypack Error: error line1
(mypack)              error line2.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
error line1
myprefixerror line2.
Error signaled at line 6 of file tty:
Tralics Error: aa.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Error: this is an error.

There are some restrictions on the use of \documentclass{foo} namely that you can use it only once, only before \begin{document} and not inside a paragraph. In all these cases, the same error message is signaled Not in outer vertical mode. Tralics read the file foo.plt if it exists, but does nothing if the file does not exist. In the case of \InputClass an error is signaled.

1 \LoadClass{foo}\InputClass{foo}
2 \documentclass{foo} \usepackage{foo}
3 \documentclass{foo} \usepackage{foo}
4 text
5 \usepackage{foo}\par \usepackage{foo}
6 \begin{document} \usepackage{foo}
7 \begin{document} 
Error signaled at line 1 of file tty:
Cannot input foo.clt.
Error signaled at line 3 of file tty:
Bad \documentclass
The following command is not in outer vertical mode: \documentclass.
Error signaled at line 5 of file tty:
Bad \usepackage command
The following command is not in outer vertical mode: \usepackage.
Error signaled at line 7 of file tty:
Two environments named document.

Errrors for the activity report (old version)

The Inria activity report uses some keywords like \projet, localisation etc. They may signal an error of the form There is a problem with the command followed by It should be placed before \\begin{document} or It should be given only once. A team name has to be given in upper-case and mixed-case letters, like APICS and Apics. In case of mismatch Tralics complains with Bad Team name foo should be case equivalent to bar. The activity report is split into modules, that have a name and a title. The name of a module is the name of the file in which the content of the module will be stored. You may see Empty module name or invalid module name (\\ and $ forbidden) or. Module name `foo' already seen . Modules are grouped into sections; which are specified by an optional argument. This may provoke the following errors Invalid section name or No default section. You may also meet Environment foo is not closed , or unexpected end of file or Characters ignored before open brace or Characters ignored at end of line

The command for producing glossaries in hidden in the current version of Tralics. However, you can still use it. An error is signaled if the environment is empty.

1 \begin{@glossaire}\csname@glo\endcsname{foo}{bar}\end{@glossaire}
2 \begin{@glossaire}\end{@glossaire}
Error signaled at line 2 of file tty:
empty glossaire.

Errrors for the activity report (current version)

Assume that your document starts with \documentclass{ra2009}. In this case Tralics enters RA mode. It may complain with Fatal error: Input file name must be team name followed by 2010 (where 2010 could be replaced by the another quantity). Let's rename the file to test2010. You will see Illegal document class ra2009 should be ra2010. The reason is a mismatch between the year in the file name and the class value. Let's rename the file to Team2010. You will see Fatal error Only lowercase letters allowed: Team. If the team name is empty, you will also see Illegal file name of the form safir/2002.tex

Translation of the Inria Activity Report requires a well-formed configuration file. You might see errors of the form The configuration file for the RA is ra2007.tcf or ra.tcf. It must define a value for the parameter theme_vals. Other parameters are ur_vals, affiliation_vals, profession_vals, section_vals. A variant of section_vals is fullsection_vals. If not at least two sections are defined by one of these lists, you will see Config file did not provide sections. These errors are fatal: no XML is produced.

The ra2010.cls class file must provide a bunch of commands, otherwise you may see errors of the form: Undefined command \rawebstartdocument. The command \projet is mandatory. It takes three argument; if the first is not equal to the file name (without the year), it might complain with Package Raweb Error: Invalid Team name exemple. The command \theme was once mandatory; it could produce error messages the form Empty or missing theme or Invalid theme; as a consequence theme_vals is no longer required. The first argument of the module environment is the section. In case of error you may see Invalid section if the argument is not in the list of sections defined by the configuration file, or Illegal access to fullsection list (this is weird) or No default section (after the first invocation, the argument becomes the default section, and there is no need to repeat it), or Only one module accepted in composition (in the current version, 'composition' is an environment, its translation should be the only module in the composition section). You may also see Bad section fondements after logiciels if modules are not in the right order. Module titles should not be empty, otherwise you will get Empty module name replaced! (this is an awful hack). The command \UR, specifies the localisation of the team; it may produce errors like Empty localisation value or Illegal localisation value. One argument to \pers is a localisation. Errors may be of the form No default Research Centre defined or Invalid Unit Centre.

Other Errrors

If Tralics cannot find its input file, it complains with Fatal error: Cannot open input file foo.tex. If two arguments appear to Tralics to be input file names, it complains with Fatal error: Seen two source files foo.tex and bar. No file is translated in these cases.

The filecontents environment may signal unable to open file for writing. It may signal bad end of filecontents env if the \end command is not placed at the start of the line.

When Tralics sees a \par or \noindent command in horizontal mode, it expects the current element to be <p>, this may fail and an Invalid \par command may be signaled. In general a <p> element is started. This may confuse the caller. For instance \hbox{\noindent} signals Error in pop; stack holds p; trying to pop hbox. In the case of \vspace you could get Expected a p element on the stack

You may encounter errors like
Text found in a mode where no text is allowed.
Command \foo should occur in bibliographic mode only
Current command should occur in tables only

If an end of file is reached while in a special environment like verbatim or comment you will get End of data reached while scanning end of environment verbatim. In other cases no error is signaled. You may notice that there is a problem by examining the line Save stack +24 -17 printed at the end. It says that the stack is not empty.

There may be errors while parsing incorrect XML files

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