generated by zdoc.tcl on Thu Feb 14 16:15:14 MET 2002

tclCIsosurf.tcl Lines Comments Arguments
cisosurf 5    
cisosurf::extractIsosurf 43   inr color subcolor

tclContour.tcl Lines Comments Arguments
contour 4    
contour::activeContour2DboundaryCondition 37   viewer camera contour
contour::attachmentConstraint 50   contour px py vertex stiffness
contour::balloonConstraint 29   contour ratio
contour::curvatureSpacingConstraint 37   contour frequency extent
contour::displayBoundaryConditions2D 60   contour boundary extremity
contour::displayInternalForce2D 26   contour item force
contour::displayNormalLine 13   contour camera
contour::distanceConstraint 44   contour frequency minDistance maxDistance
contour::editForceConstraint2D 12   name contour index
contour::editPositionConstraint2D 8   name contour
contour::forceConstraint2D 39   contour
contour::getImageSize 15   contour
contour::getNbInitialVertices 28   init color
contour::getSliceDistance 7   contour inr
contour::installActiveContour2DEdgeMenu 16   viewer camera contour
contour::installActiveContour2DLineMenu 4   viewer camera contour
contour::installActiveContour2DMenu 49   viewer camera contour bg
contour::installActiveContour2DVertexMenu 13   viewer camera contour
contour::installActiveContour3DMenu 50   viewer camera contour bg
contour::installContour2DInitMenu 33   parent camera init color
contour::installContourDisplayMenu 28   viewer camera contour bg
contour::installContourExternalMenu 8   viewer camera contour bg
contour::installContourFileMenu 22   viewer camera contour bg
contour::installContourInternalMenu 13   viewer camera contour bg
contour::installContourLineMenu 17   viewer camera line
contour::installContourMenu 19   viewer camera contour bg
contour::installContourVertexMenu 12   viewer camera line
contour::installSliceActiveContour2DMenu 10   viewer camera contour bg
contour::installSliceContour3DMenu 20   viewer camera contour bg
contour::internalForce2D 43   contour
contour::internalParameters 32   line
contour::moveSliceCameras 9   contour slice
contour::positionConstraint2D 41   contour
contour::rectangleConstraint 50   contour frequency p1x p1y p2x p2y
contour::saveOption 27   object fileType windowTitle
contour::setBoundaryConditions2D 20   contour boundary extremity
contour::setInternalForce2D 16   contour item force
contour::setInternalParameters 20   line label
contour::setPrimitive 15   camera init x y
contour::sliceContourGeometry 26   contour camera
contour::sliceContourNumber 28   contour camera
contour::spacingConstraint 51   contour frequency ar minDistance maxDistance
contour::storeIntensityProfile2D 24   object range
contour::storeIntensityProfile3D 17   object range
contour::storeIntensityProfileDialog 22   object name
contour::topologyConstraint 52   contour frequency gridSize minNbVertices fuse
contour::uninstallContour2DInitMenu 8   parent camera init
contour::uninstallContourEdgeMenu 2   viewer camera
contour::uninstallContourLineMenu 2   viewer camera
contour::uninstallContourMenu 11   viewer camera line
contour::uninstallContourVertexMenu 2   viewer camera

tclForceFeedback.tcl Lines Comments Arguments
ffback 2    
ffback::installDirectLIEMenu 27   viewer camera lie bg
ffback::installDirectPhantomMenu 27   viewer camera phantom bg
ffback::installFileLIEMenu 24   viewer camera lie bg
ffback::installTypeMenu 11   viewer camera lie bg
ffback::uninstallDirectLIEMenu 4   viewer camera lie
ffback::uninstallDirectPhantomMenu 4   viewer camera phantom
ffback::uninstallFileLIEMenu 4   viewer camera lie

tclGraphics2D.tcl Lines Comments Arguments
graphics2D 4    
graphics2D::addCamera2DMenu 47   menu name color subcolor
graphics2D::installSelectedObjectMenu 7   frame camera object
graphics2D::installSurfaceViewMenu 9   viewer camera surf bg
graphics2D::iterationParameters 34   scene bg scolor
graphics2D::menusubstitute 7   str tag elt
graphics2D::resizeSliceViewer2D 29   cam frame newHeight newWidth
graphics2D::resizeViewer2D 21   cam frame newHeight newWidth
graphics2D::scalePopupMenu 4   scale color
graphics2D::scalemenu 20   name sname toff color
graphics2D::setScaleValue 16   scale color
graphics2D::slicecamlist 2   name cmd toff color
graphics2D::slicecammenu 28   name vname toff color
graphics2D::startRecording 70   cam color scolor
graphics2D::startViewer2D 4   parent cam
graphics2D::stopViewer2D 4   parent cam
graphics2D::topSliceViewer2D 28   name menu width height color subcolor
graphics2D::topViewer2D 23   name menu width height color subcolor
graphics2D::uninstallSelectedObjectMenu 2   frame camera object
graphics2D::uninstallSurfaceViewMenu 11   viewer camera line
graphics2D::viewer2D 28   name parent menu expand width height
graphics2D::viewer2DButtons 4   name parent color
graphics2D::viewer2DMenu 6   menu submenu name color subcolor
graphics2D::viewerPopupMenu 8   widget slicecam color
graphics2D::viewerVisibleMenu 12   slicecam bbox color

tclGraphics3D.tcl Lines Comments Arguments
graphics3D 1    
graphics3D::TextureScaleDialog 18   rect color
graphics3D::changeFOV 15   cam color
graphics3D::changeMaxFrameRate 15   cam color
graphics3D::create1DTextureDialog 23   color
graphics3D::installRectangle3DMenu 16   parent camera object color
graphics3D::installSelectedObjectMenu 7   viewer camera object
graphics3D::installSphereMenu 16   parent camera object color
graphics3D::iterationParameters 34   scene bg scolor
graphics3D::lightRgbScales 14   frame light name color rv gv bv
graphics3D::material 63   object color
graphics3D::materialBasic 60   object color option
graphics3D::materialoptions 14   menu object
graphics3D::rendermenu 5   name color object
graphics3D::renderoptions 10   menu object subobject
graphics3D::rgbScales 27   frame object name color check rv gv bv alphavar
graphics3D::secondaryrenderlists 5   menu color object
graphics3D::secondaryrenderoptions 7   menu color object listname optionname
graphics3D::setLight 119   light color radius
graphics3D::startRecording 75   menu cam color scolor
graphics3D::startViewer3D 2   parent cam
graphics3D::stopViewer3D 2   parent cam
graphics3D::textureoptions 117   menu object color
graphics3D::topViewer3D 21   nb
graphics3D::uninstallRectangle3DMenu 5   viewer camera line
graphics3D::uninstallSelectedObjectMenu 4   viewer camera object
graphics3D::uninstallSphereMenu 2   parent camera object
graphics3D::viewer3D 29   nb parent
graphics3D::viewer3DButtons 4   nb parent color
graphics3D::viewer3DMenu 136   nb menu smenu color scolor

tclImageData.tcl Lines Comments Arguments
imagedata 2    
imagedata::createRangeInformation 8   menu object color
imagedata::displayExternalForce 196   range force
imagedata::displayIntensityProfile 42   il1 il2
imagedata::editClassDialog 71   cinf color
imagedata::editGradientBalloonDialog 54   gbinf color
imagedata::editGradientDialog 86   ginf color
imagedata::editGradientGradientDialog 46   gginf color
imagedata::editIntensityProfileDialog 63   ipinf color
imagedata::editRangeInformation 28   rinfo
imagedata::editRegionDialog 85   rinf color
imagedata::externalForce 29   range
imagedata::gradientDialog 58   range img color
imagedata::gradientGradientDialog 58   range img color
imagedata::installDisplayMenu 77   parent camera object color
imagedata::installMenu 3   parent camera object color
imagedata::installObjectMenu 5   parent camera object color
imagedata::isAnImageInformation 24   name
imagedata::range2Dinstall 21   parent camera object color
imagedata::range2Duninstall 11   parent camera object
imagedata::range3Dinstall 26   parent camera object color
imagedata::range3Duninstall 3   parent camera object
imagedata::setExternalForce2D 7   range force
imagedata::uninstallMenu 2   parent camera object
imagedata::vRtransform 2 proc imagedata::forceParameters { object color } {
variable fl
set name .forces$object
if ![winfo exists $name] {
toplevel $name -bg $color
wm title $name "$object external forces"
set mn [tk_optionMenu $name.fl imagedata::fl none]
$mn delete 1 end
$name.fl configure -bg $color
foreach f "[$object -force list]" {
$mn add radiobutton -variable imagedata::fl -label $f -background $color -command " foreach w \[winfo children $name.f\] { destroy \$w }
switch \$imagedata::fl {
none { }
gradient {
scale $ -label threshold -orient horizontal -from 0 -to 255 -bg $color
bind $ \"evaluate \\\"$object -gradient threshold \\\[$ get\\\]\\\"\"
scale $name.f.range -label range -orient horizontal -from 0 -to 30 -bg $color
bind $name.f.range \"evaluate \\\"$object -gradient range \\\[$name.f.range get\\\]\\\"\"
label $name.f.l -text \"orientation constraint\" -relief raised -bg $color
radiobutton $name.f.none -text none -variable imagedata::forces -bg $color -anchor w -value none -command \"evaluate \\\"$object -gradient orientation none\\\"\"
radiobutton $ -text direct -variable imagedata::forces -bg $color -anchor w -value direct -command \"evaluate \\\"$object -gradient orientation direct\\\"\"
radiobutton $name.f.opposite -text opposite -variable imagedata::forces -bg $color -anchor w -value opposite -command \"evaluate \\\"$object -gradient orientation opposite\\\"\"
pack $ $name.f.range $name.f.l $name.f.none $ $name.f.opposite -expand true -fill x
scan \"\[$object -gradient\]\" \"orientation %s range %f threshold %f\" imagedata::forces rng th
$ set \$th
$name.f.range set \$rng
frame $name.f -bg $color
button $name.dismiss -text "Dismiss" -command "destroy $name" -bg $color
pack $name.fl $name.f $name.dismiss -expand true -padx 10 -pady 5
x y
imagedata::viewImageProfile 29   object vertex bg
imagedata::volumeRendering 175   object color

tclInrimage.tcl Lines Comments Arguments
inrimage 40    
inrimage::OldaddObjectMenu 14   name mname toff color
inrimage::UpdateTable 5   root graph p1 p2 how
inrimage::XYZFrame 16   fname title color X Y Z valX valY valZ
inrimage::addObjectMenu 7   name mname img toff color
inrimage::anisoDiffDialog 35   img color
inrimage::arithmeticDialog 29 apply an arithmetic operator on an inrimage img color
inrimage::centerSliceCameraOnLandmark 10   lset vx vy vz
inrimage::chamferDialog 50   img color
inrimage::choiceFrame 11   fname title varname color args
inrimage::colormapMenu 9   menu mname color option
inrimage::connexeDialog 59   img color
inrimage::convoluteDialog 25   img color
inrimage::createROIList 23   rlist inr scn bg
inrimage::createToplevel 16   parent img color
inrimage::cropDialog 23   img color
inrimage::deleteLandmark 16   lset camera x y
inrimage::evalDialog 34   img color
inrimage::fillDialog 27   img color
inrimage::getABackground 13   image mn
inrimage::getCmapFromMultiview 13   multiview option
inrimage::getInrFromCamera 13   slicecam
inrimage::getInterpolationFromMultiview 13   multiview option
inrimage::getRoiInView 10   sliceable scene
inrimage::getScene2DFromInr 17   inr
inrimage::getScene2DFromMultiview 2   mname
inrimage::getSliceableInView 10   sliceable scene
inrimage::glscalemenu 21   sname toff color
inrimage::gradientDialog 58   img color
inrimage::inr4Dlist 2   name cmd toff color
inrimage::inr4Dmenu 8   name iname toff color
inrimage::inrOptionMenu 21   name cmd color
inrimage::inrimageDialog 52   color
inrimage::inrlist 2   name cmd toff color
inrimage::inrmenu 114   name iname mview toff color
inrimage::inrscale 14   name img color minormax
inrimage::inrslicecammenu 10   mn vname color
inrimage::installInrviewMenu 11   menu camera inrview bg
inrimage::installLandmarkSetMenu 32   viewer camera lset bg
inrimage::installLandmarkSetPopupMenu 11   widget camera lset bg
inrimage::installROIEditMenu 2   viewer camera roi bg
inrimage::installROIEditPopupMenu 13   widget camera roie bg
inrimage::installROIMenu 44   viewer camera roi bg
inrimage::interpolationMenu 4   menu mname color option
inrimage::isRoiInView 10   sliceable scene
inrimage::isSliceableInView 10   sliceable scene
inrimage::laplacianDialog 27   img color
inrimage::loadImage 6    
inrimage::melBounds 8   img
inrimage::melDialog 27   img color
inrimage::mergeView 114   inr1 inr2 color subcolor
inrimage::mergeView4D 147   inr1 inr2 color subcolor
inrimage::morphomathematicDialog 33 apply an arithmetic operator on an inrimage img color
inrimage::moveLandmark 17   lset camera x y
inrimage::multiview4Dmenu 30   name mname img toff color
inrimage::multiviewMergeMenu 40   name mname img img2 toff color
inrimage::multiviewmenu 71   name mname img toff color
inrimage::noiseDialog 56   img color
inrimage::opacityscalemenu 20   sname toff color
inrimage::recursiveFilterDialog 29   img color
inrimage::resizeGrid 25   mview grid newHeight newWidth
inrimage::resizeMergeGrid 25   mview grid newHeight newWidth
inrimage::resizeSingleGrid 21   mview grid newHeight newWidth
inrimage::saveImage 6   name
inrimage::setCmapFromMultiview 19   multiview cmap option cmoption
inrimage::setInterpolationFromMultiview 15   multiview interp option
inrimage::singleViewImage 79   inr1 geom scene color subcolor
inrimage::slicecamlist 2   name cmd toff color
inrimage::slicecammenu 29   name vname toff color
inrimage::thresholdDialog 86   img mview color
inrimage::uninstallInrviewMenu 5   viewer camera line
inrimage::uninstallLandmarkSetMenu 7   viewer camera line
inrimage::uninstallROIEditMenu 11   viewer camera line
inrimage::uninstallROIMenu 11   viewer camera line
inrimage::vectorDialog 68 } inr inrview color mode
inrimage::view4D 115   inr1 color subcolor
inrimage::viewInrimage 100   inr1 scene color subcolor
inrimage::viewerPopupMenu 6   slicecam color
inrimage::viewerXCropMenu 12   slicecam bbox color
inrimage::viewerXIsolateMenu 11   slicecam bbox color
inrimage::viewerXVisibleMenu 12   slicecam bbox color
inrimage::viewerXZeroMenu 11   slicecam bbox color
inrimage::voxel4DSizeDialog 32 set inrimage voxel size img color
inrimage::voxelSizeDialog 29 set inrimage voxel size img color
inrimage::windowImage 18   image mn

tclIsosurface.tcl Lines Comments Arguments
isosurface 6    
isosurface::installIsocontourDisplayMenu 28   viewer camera contour bg
isosurface::installIsocontourFileMenu 9   viewer camera contour bg
isosurface::installIsocontourMenu 14   viewer camera contour bg
isosurface::saveOption 27   object fileType windowTitle
isosurface::uninstallIsocontourMenu 11   viewer camera line

tclLevelSets.tcl Lines Comments Arguments
levelset 2    
levelset::installLevelSet2D 21   parent camera object color
levelset::parameter 21   ls color
levelset::uninstallLevelSet2D 2   parent camera object

tclModules.tcl Lines Comments Arguments
bgerror 28   str
completion 2    
completion::commandCompletion 10 perform command name completion on first str word str
completion::commonPrefix 22 Find the longest common prefix names
completion::completion 12 perform command name completion if str has only one word or file name
completion on last word otherwise
completion::fileCompletion 73 perform file name completion on last str word str
modules 11    
modules::colorToRgb 6   color
modules::createHistogramGraph 22   histo graph minVal nbBuckets
modules::displayHelp 30   msg
modules::displayMessage 2   str
modules::displayString 4   str color
modules::drawHistogramInFrame 20   frame histo color
modules::dumpCommandsToFile 10    
modules::dumpResultsToFile 10    
modules::entryDialog 14   root color title initVal cmd fg
modules::evaluate 14   commandStr
modules::flushCommands 7    
modules::flushResults 5    
modules::help 58   color
modules::historyDown 10   parent
modules::historyUp 9   parent
modules::interface 83 end of interface parent color
modules::menusubstitute 7   str tag elt
modules::mpeg 59   name encode play factor from nb
modules::plotHistogram 41   histo color subcolor
modules::rgbToColor 3   str
modules::scaleDialog 14   root color title from to initVal cmd resolution fg
modules::sceneGraph 83   dim
modules::selectColor 7   str
modules::selectColorStr 7   str
modules::setCommand 5   cmd
modules::setPartialCommand 3   cmd
modules::setResult 2   res

tclSM2.tcl Lines Comments Arguments
SM2 3    
SM2::addSM2View 4   name mname toff color
SM2::balloonForce 21   object color
SM2::createProfile 44   object color
SM2::display 96   object color
SM2::displayInternalForceSM2 24   contour item force
SM2::displayProfile 6   model vertex cam color
SM2::editPositionConstraintSM2 6   name mesh color list
SM2::faceAreaConstraint 34   mesh frequency magnitude color list
SM2::faceQualityConstraint 41   mesh frequency areaMagnitude lengthMagnitude color list
SM2::getSM2InView 10   scn sm
SM2::infobox 182   sm subobject color
SM2::installContourSM2Menu 2   parent camera object color
SM2::installSM2 103   parent camera object color
SM2::internalForceSM2 45   mesh
SM2::internalParametersDialog 55   object color
SM2::isSM2InView 10   scn sm
SM2::listfind 7   box str
SM2::newZone 27   object camera bg
SM2::positionConstraintList 6   list mesh
SM2::positionConstraintSM2 34   mesh color
SM2::saveOption 27   object fileType windowTitle
SM2::selectEdge 10   widget object subobject color
SM2::selectFace 8   widget object subobject color
SM2::selectProfile 36   object color
SM2::selectVertex 15   widget object subobject color
SM2::selectZone 28   widget object subobject color
SM2::setInternalForceSM2 20   mesh item force
SM2::storeIntensityProfile 16   object range
SM2::storeIntensityProfileDialog 22   object
SM2::topologyConstraint 34   mesh frequency gridSize color list
SM2::uninstallContourSM2Menu 2   viewer camera object
SM2::uninstallSM2 4   parent camera object

tclSimulation.tcl Lines Comments Arguments
haptic 2    
haptic::installHapticTriangulation3DMenu 15   parent camera object color
haptic::uninstallHapticTriangulation3DMenu 3   parent camera object
simulation 1    
simulation::LIEVsSimuTetrahedrisationConstraint 17   object
simulation::addSimuTetraView 3   name mname toff color
simulation::coloroptions 14   menu object
simulation::editForceConstraint 5   name object index
simulation::editPositionConstraint 6   name object
simulation::exclusionZoneConstraint 53   object nx ny nz d
simulation::forceConstraint 39   object color
simulation::gravityConstraint 45   object gx gy gz
simulation::installActiveTubeDisplayMenu 11   parent camera object color
simulation::installActiveTubeMenu 56   parent camera object color
simulation::installSimuSynchroMenu 8   parent camera ssync bg
simulation::installSimuTetra3DMenu 31   parent camera object color
simulation::materialoptions 14   menu object
simulation::phantomVsSimuTetrahedrisationConstraint 17   object
simulation::positionConstraint 40   object color
simulation::uninstallActiveTubeMenu 14   viewer camera object
simulation::uninstallSimuSynchroMenu 4   parent camera ssync

tclTetrahedrisation.tcl Lines Comments Arguments
tetrahedrisation::activationConstraint 21   object file
tetrahedrisation::addTetraView 5   name mname toff color
tetrahedrisation::displayInternalForce3D 16   object item force
tetrahedrisation::editForceConstraint 14   name object index
tetrahedrisation::editPositionConstraint 3   name object
tetrahedrisation::forceConstraint 45   object color
tetrahedrisation::getTetraInView 10   scn sm
tetrahedrisation::incompressibilityConstraint 22   object extent
tetrahedrisation::installActiveEdge3DMenu 3   widget object edge color
tetrahedrisation::installActiveSurfaceZone3DMenu 4   widget object szone color
tetrahedrisation::installActiveTetra3DDisplayMenu 9   parent camera object color
tetrahedrisation::installActiveTetra3DMenu 51   parent camera object color
tetrahedrisation::installActiveTetra3DMeshMenu 5   parent camera object color
tetrahedrisation::installActiveTetrahedron3DMenu 2   widget object tetrahedron color
tetrahedrisation::installActiveTriangle3DMenu 3   widget object triangle color
tetrahedrisation::installActiveVertex3DMenu 14   widget object vertex color
tetrahedrisation::installActiveZone3DMenu 5   widget object zone color
tetrahedrisation::installBasicVertex3DMenu 3   widget object vertex color menu
tetrahedrisation::installEdge3DMenu 6   widget object edge color
tetrahedrisation::installSurfaceZone3DMenu 12   widget object szone color
tetrahedrisation::installTetra3DDisplayMenu 14   parent camera object color
tetrahedrisation::installTetra3DFileMenu 14   parent camera object color ext
tetrahedrisation::installTetra3DMenu 19   parent camera object color
tetrahedrisation::installTetra3DMeshMenu 19   parent camera object color
tetrahedrisation::installTetrahedron3DMenu 5   widget object tetrahedron color
tetrahedrisation::installTriangle3DMenu 5   widget object triangle color
tetrahedrisation::installVertex3DMenu 5   widget object vertex color
tetrahedrisation::installZone3DMenu 7   widget object zone color
tetrahedrisation::internalForce3D 62   object color
tetrahedrisation::internalParametersDialog 52   object color
tetrahedrisation::isTetraInView 10   scn sm
tetrahedrisation::isovolumetricConstraint 37   object sz pfactor
tetrahedrisation::materialProperties 157   object color
tetrahedrisation::multiplyEdgeSize 27   object zone bg
tetrahedrisation::newSurfaceZone 27   object bg
tetrahedrisation::newZone 27   object bg
tetrahedrisation::positionConstraint 37   object color
tetrahedrisation::pressureConstraint 37   object sz press
tetrahedrisation::saveOption 27   object fileType windowTitle
tetrahedrisation::setAnisotropicForce 5   object
tetrahedrisation::setEdgeSize 27   object zone bg
tetrahedrisation::setInternalForce3D 8   object item force
tetrahedrisation::setTimeParameters 59   object bg
tetrahedrisation::uninstallActiveTetra3DMenu 4   parent camera object
tetrahedrisation::uninstallTetra3DMenu 9   parent camera object

tclTriangulation.tcl Lines Comments Arguments
triangulation 4    
triangulation::addTrianView 8   name mname toff color
triangulation::chooseInternalScheme 13   object scheme bg
triangulation::displayActiveTriangulation3D 96   object color
triangulation::displayInternalForce3D 31   object item force
triangulation::getTrianInView 10   scn sm
triangulation::installActiveTriangulation3DMenu 49   parent camera object color
triangulation::installEdge3DMenu 9   widget object edge color
triangulation::installMainTriangulation3DMenu 41   parent camera object color
triangulation::installPrecomputedTriangulation3DMenu 25   parent camera object color
triangulation::installTrianViewMenu 5   viewer camera contour bg
triangulation::installTriangle3DMenu 7   widget object triangle color
triangulation::installTriangulation3DMenu 5   parent camera object color
triangulation::installTriangulationLeftPopupMenu 11   parent camera object
triangulation::installTriangulationMiddlePopupMenu 4   popup camera object
triangulation::installVertex3DMenu 13   widget object vertex color
triangulation::installZone3DMenu 11   widget object zone color
triangulation::internalForce3D 55   object color
triangulation::internalParametersDialog 60   object color
triangulation::isTrianInView 10   scn sm
triangulation::newZone 27   object bg
triangulation::saveOption 27   object fileType windowTitle
triangulation::setInternalForce3D 8   object item force
triangulation::setInternalParameters 20   line label
triangulation::uninstallActiveTriangulation3DMenu 3   parent camera object
triangulation::uninstallPrecomputedTriangulation3DMenu 2   parent camera object
triangulation::uninstallTriangulation3DMenu 8   parent camera object

yav.tcl Lines Comments Arguments
yav 319 put all yav variables in a namespace