
Option Description
tet3D%u -applyTransformation %s read a 4x4 transformation matrix in a file and apply it to the mesh
tet3D%u -color [#RGB | #RRGGBB | #RRRGGGBBB | #RRRRGGGGBBBB | %f %f %f] get/set tetrahedrisation wireframe color
tet3D%u -cuttingZone [sz&u] get/set the zone given to new surface triangles
tet3D%u -destroy destroy a 3D tetrahedrisation
tet3D%u -flipNormals flip the surface normals for display
tet3D%u -highlightTexture [text2D%u] get/set highlight texture
tet3D%u -kind returns the name of the object kind associated with a given object
tet3D%u -loadOption [moduleName=%s] [true|false] when no parameters is provided, returns the list of modules. If one module name is provided then returns a boolean indicating if the module should be read. If 2 parameters are provided then set the selection mode of a module for reading
tet3D%u -material [%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f | %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f | #RGB | #RRGGBB | #RRRGGGBBB | #RRRRGGGGBBBB | [ambient %f %f %f [%f]] [diffuse %f %f %f [%f]] [specular %f %f %f [%f]] [shininess %f]] [emission %b %f %f %f [%f]]] get/set tetrahedrisation material
tet3D%u -name [filename=%s] set/get mesh file name
tet3D%u -newSurfaceZone %s create a new surfacezone with a given name
tet3D%u -newZone %s create a new zone with a given name
tet3D%u -removeConnectedComponent v%u remove the connected component coresponding to a given virtual vertex
tet3D%u -render [hide | wireframe | flat | solid | wireframesolid | hiddenlines | transparency | wireframetransparency] get/set tetrahedrisation render mode
tet3D%u -renderOption get the list of possible rendering modes for a tetrahedrisation
tet3D%u -rotate %f %f %f rotate Tetrahedrisation
tet3D%u -save [filename=%s] save a 3D tetrahedrisation (using given filename)
tet3D%u -saveAsGHS3D [filename=%s] save a 3D tetrahedrisation in the GHS3D format (using given filename)
tet3D%u -saveOption [moduleName=%s] [true|false] when no parameters is provided, returns the list of modules. If one module name is provided then returns a boolean indicating if the module should be saved or not. If 2 parameters are provided then set the selection mode of a module for writing
tet3D%u -saveTr [filename=%s] save a 3D tetrahedrisation in the Tr format (using given filename)
tet3D%u -scale %f scale Tetrahedrisation
tet3D%u -select [ v%u | e%u | t%u | T%u | z%u | sz%u ] get/set selected items in the tetrahedrisation mesh
tet3D%u -selectedMaterial [%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f | %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f | #RGB | #RRGGBB | #RRRGGGBBB | #RRRRGGGGBBBB | [ambient %f %f %f [%f]] [diffuse %f %f %f [%f]] [specular %f %f %f [%f]] [shininess %f]] [emission %b %f %f %f [%f]]] get/set the selection material used to display selected items
tet3D%u -selectedSurfaceZone returns the id (or none) of the surface selected zone
tet3D%u -selectedZone returns the id (or none) of the selected zone
tet3D%u -selectionMode cam%u get/set selection/grab mode
tet3D%u -surfaceZones get this tetrahedrisation surface zones list
tet3D%u -texture1D [text1D%u] get/set a given 1D texture
tet3D%u -texture1DOption [ use [true | false] | | interpolation [nearest|linear] | extrapolation [ clamp | repeat ] | mode [ spherical | coordinates | planar | camera ] | sparam [ %f %f %f %f ] | tparam [ %f %f %f %f ] ] get/set 1D texture display properties
tet3D%u -texture2D [text2D%u] get/set a given 2D texture
tet3D%u -texture2DOption [ replaceLighting [true | false] | use [true | false] | useHighlightTexture [true | false] | interpolation [nearest|linear] | extrapolation [ clamp | repeat ] | mode [ spherical | coordinates | planar | camera ] | sparam [ %f %f %f %f ] | tparam [ %f %f %f %f ] ] get/set 2D texture display properties
tet3D%u -topologyCheck check Tetrahedrisation topology
tet3D%u -translate %f %f %f translate Tetrahedrisation
tet3D%u -useDisplayLists true|false usage of display lists
tet3D%u -virtualVertices list the virtual vertices
tet3D%u -zones get this tetrahedrisation zones list