
Option Description
sm%u -T1 e%u performs a T1 transformation (remove an edge) if possible
sm%u -T1test removes 10 edges on the mesh
sm%u -T2 e%u e%u performs a T2 transformation (add an edge) if possible, between two edges
sm%u -T7 e%u performs a T7 transformation (swap an edge) if possible
sm%u -T7test swap edges of the mesh
sm%u -alpha [%f] set/get all vertices internal force weight
sm%u -append sm%u add a copy of a given 2-simplex mesh into the current mesh
sm%u -balloon [] set/get balloon force state and amplitude
sm%u -beta [%f] set/get all vertices external force weight
sm%u -check checks the mesh topology
sm%u -color [#RGB | #RRGGBB | #RRRGGGBBB | #RRRRGGGGBBBB | %f %f %f] get/set simplex mesh wireframe color
sm%u -copy returns a model copy
sm%u -decimate decimates the entire mesh (half less faces)
sm%u -deformationMode [no | local | global | globallyConstrained %f] set/get model deformation mode
sm%u -destroy destroy this 2 simplex mesh
sm%u -faceAreaConstraint [%u %f] get or set the face area constraint on a 2-simplex mesh. If no parameters are provided then the frequency and the constraint magnitude of the existing face area constraint are returned ("none" if there is not a face area constraint). If the frequency and the constraint magnitude are provided then a face area constraint is modified if there is one such constraint already existing or create a new constraint otherwise.
sm%u -faceQualityConstraint [%u %f %f] get or set the face quality constraint on a 2-simplex mesh. If no parameters are provided then the frequency and the constraints magnitudes (face area and face length constraints) of the existing face quality constraint are returned ("none" if there is not a face quality constraint). If the frequency and the constraints magnitudes are provided then a face quality constraint is modified if there is one such constraint already existing or create a new constraint otherwise.
sm%u -force [ [width %f] [scale %f]]toggle forces display and set forces display attributes
sm%u -forceConstraint [%u] get the number of force Constraint. If a rank number n is provided then the name of the nth force constraint is returned. If the "delete" keyword is added this force constraint is deleted
sm%u -globalTransformation [rigid | similarity | affine | spline | PCA | axial] set/get global transformation constraint
sm%u -info returns information on this mesh
sm%u -infobox [%b] display/undisplay selected objects information box
sm%u -internal [C0 | C1 | C2 | almostG2 | G2 | shape | spring] get/set internal force type
sm%u -kind returns the name of the object kind associated with a given object
sm%u -loadOption [moduleName=%s] [true|false] when no parameters is provided, returns the list of modules. If one module name is provided then returns a boolean indicating if the module should be read. If 2 parameters are provided then set the selection mode of a module for reading
sm%u -locality [%f] set/get all vertices locality
sm%u -material [%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f | %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f | #RGB | #RRGGBB | #RRRGGGBBB | #RRRRGGGGBBBB | [ambient %f %f %f [%f]] [diffuse %f %f %f [%f]] [specular %f %f %f [%f]] [shininess %f]] [emission %b %f %f %f [%f]]] get/set simplex mesh material
sm%u -matrix [init | apply %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f] get/rinitialize global transformations matrix
sm%u -metricParameters store current or reset metric parameters value
sm%u -name [filename=%s] set/get mesh file name
sm%u -newZone %s create a new zone given its name
sm%u -normal [[display [%b] [color #RRGGBB] [width %f] [scale %f] [reverse %b]] | flip]toggle normal display mode/attributes and normal direction
sm%u -positionConstraint [%u] [delete] without any parameters get the number of force Constraint. If a rank number n is provided then the name of the nth force constraint is returned. If the "delete" keyword is added this position constraint is deleted
sm%u -radius returns radius of circumscribing sphere
sm%u -rangeInformation [rinfo%u] get / set the range information for all vertices of a mesh
sm%u -rangeInformationSet [rinfos%u] get / set the set of range information for all vertices of a mesh
sm%u -referenceShape [%b] [store] set/get model reference shape flag and/or store current shape as reference
sm%u -refine refines the entire mesh (~ Three times more faces)
sm%u -refineOld refines the mesh (Twice more faces)
sm%u -render [hide | wireframe | flat | solid | wireframesolid | hiddenlines | transparency | wireframetransparency] get/set simplex mesh render mode
sm%u -renderOption get the list of possible rendering modes for a simplex mesh
sm%u -rigidity [%u | max] set/get all vertices rigidity
sm%u -save [filename=%s] save simplex mesh (using given filename)
sm%u -saveOption [moduleName=%s] [true|false] when no parameters is provided, returns the list of modules. If one module name is provided then returns a boolean indicating if the module should be saved or not. If 2 parameters are provided then set the selection mode of a module for writing
sm%u -scale %f scales the model by given factor
sm%u -scene return model scene
sm%u -select [ v%u | e%u | f%u | z%u ] set/get model selected component
sm%u -selectionMode cam%u get/set selection/grab mode
sm%u -stopCriterion [displacement] get/set the stop function used to automatically stops the iteration on a simplex mesh
sm%u -stopDistance [%f] get/set the maximum displacement of a vertex that is used to decide if a simplex mesh should still be active (used with stopping criterion "displacement")
sm%u -swap regularizes the mesh topology using edge swaping
sm%u -topologyConstraint [%u %f] get or set the topology constraint on a 2-simplex mesh. If no parameters are provided then the frequency and the grid size the existing topology constraint are returned ("none" if there is not a topology constraint). If the frequency and the grid size are provided then a topology constraint is modified if there is one such constraint already existing or create a new constraint otherwise.
sm%u -translate %f %f %f translates the model by given vector
sm%u -volume returns model volume
sm%u -weight [%f] set/get all vertices global force computation weight
sm%u -width [%f] get/set wireframe line width
sm%u -zones get this mesh zones list