
Option Description
histo%u -bucket size [%f] | number [%u] get or set the bucket size or get/set the number of buckets
histo%u -destroy delete an histogram
histo%u -kind returns the name of the object kind associated with a given object
histo%u -maxValue get the maximum value of the histogram
histo%u -minValue get the minimum value of the histogram
histo%u -nb %f get the value of the histogram for a given value
histo%u -plot plot the histogram
histo%u -save %s saves an histogram in a file
histo%u -smooth %f smooth the histogram with a Gaussian filter whose size is given
histo%u -stat mean | median | stdDeviation | quantile %f get some basic statistics on the histogram. It includes the computation of the mean or median value, the standard deviation and the quantile for any value between 0.0 and 1.0
histo%u -value %f get number of sample having the value (depending of the bucket size) than a given value