
Option Description
roi%u -binary creates and returns a binary image having the same size as the grey level image and that represent the same ROI
roi%u -color [%f %f %f] get/set the color of the region of interest
roi%u -destroy destroy region of interest
roi%u -greyLevel [%b] decides if the ROI should be displayed with grey-levels or color
roi%u -greyLevelImage returns the associated grey-level image ("none" is not existing)
roi%u -histogram returns the histogram associated with the region of interest
roi%u -kind returns the name of the object kind associated with a given object
roi%u -loadOption [moduleName=%s] [true|false] when no parameters is provided, returns the list of modules. If one module name is provided then returns a boolean indicating if the module should be read. If 2 parameters are provided then set the selection mode of a module for reading
roi%u -meanVariance [%f] returns the robust estimate of the mean and variance given the rejectRate (default to 0.0)
roi%u -mesh get/set the name of the mesh that has generated the roi. returns "none" if no surface is available
roi%u -morpho [erosion | dilation] [ iter %u | con <4|6|8|10|18|26> ] apply dilation or erosion to the region of interest
roi%u -opacity [full|opacity75|opacity50|opacity25|opacity12] get/set the opacity of the region for display
roi%u -realName [%s] get/set the name of the ROI
roi%u -save [%s] save a region of interest
roi%u -saveOption [moduleName=%s] [true|false] when no parameters is provided, returns the list of modules. If one module name is provided then returns a boolean indicating if the module should be saved or not. If 2 parameters are provided then set the selection mode of a module for writing
roi%u -scene return region of interest's scene
roi%u -visibility [%b] get/set the visibility of a Region of Interest