
Option Description
multiview4D%u -activate [%b] set/get activation flag. Activation cause all handled viewer to be activated
multiview4D%u -add timecam%u+ add all given inrimage views to multi-viewer
multiview4D%u -axis [%b] set/get use axis flag
multiview4D%u -axisColors [%s %s] set/get axis display colors
multiview4D%u -buttonMotion timecam%u %x %y call button-motion-callbacks of all sliceables
multiview4D%u -buttonPressed timecam%u %x %y call button-pressed-callbacks of all sliceables
multiview4D%u -buttonReleased timecam%u %x %y call button-released-callbacks of all sliceables
multiview4D%u -changeview timecam%u %x %y Change all handled viewers slice when point (x, y) is clicked in given timecam%u
multiview4D%u -destroy destroy multi-viewer
multiview4D%u -die [%b] true if multiview dies when it runs out of images
multiview4D%u -ignoreVoxelSize [%b] set/get all handled viewers ignore voxel size flag
multiview4D%u -inrimage inr%u set all handled viewers image
multiview4D%u -kind returns the name of the object kind associated with a given object
multiview4D%u -max %v set max grey level threshold values
multiview4D%u -min %v set min grey level threshold values
multiview4D%u -mousevoxel timecam%u %x %y set mouse motion in all handled viewers when cursor location is (x, y) in given timecam%u
multiview4D%u -parentWidget %w connects a multiview with a widget such that when the multiview is deleted the widget is destroyed
multiview4D%u -redraw cause all attached slice cameras to be redrawn
multiview4D%u -remove timecam%u+ remove all given inrimage views from multi-viewer
multiview4D%u -scale [%f] set/get all handled viewers zoom factor
multiview4D%u -scene return the scene associated with the multiview
multiview4D%u -views [X|Y|Z|alpha|XT|YT|ZT] Returns all handled viewers. If a geometry argument is given, only viewers to corresponding geometry are returned.
multiview4D%u -visible set visible area of all handled viewers to maximum scale (all parameter) or given box (two voxel coordinates)