
Option Description
lset%u -addLandmark %u %u %u %f %f %f %s create a new landmark given its 3 voxel coordinates, its 3 world coordinates and its name
lset%u -color [%f %f %f] set/get the color of each landmark during display
lset%u -crossSize [%u] set/get the size of crosses for the display of landmarks
lset%u -destroy delete landmark set
lset%u -displayMode [voxel|cross] set/get the manner to display landmarks in slicecameras : 'voxel' for drawing a full voxel and 'cross' for drawing a cross
lset%u -displayName [%b] set/get the boolean that indicates if the landmark should be written during display
lset%u -kind returns the name of the object kind associated with a given object
lset%u -landmarks get the list of landmarks : for each landmarks returns its voxel position, real position and name
lset%u -movingLandmark %s /set the name of the landmark that will be subsequently moved
lset%u -nbLandmarks get the nb of landmark points
lset%u -removeLandmark %s destroy a landmark given its name
lset%u -saveAs %s save the current landmark set in a file
lset%u -scene [scn2D%u] set/get the 2D scene where the set is stored
lset%u -selectedColor [%f %f %f] set/get the color of the selected landmark during display
lset%u -selectedLandmark [%s] get/set the name of the selected landmark : 'none' is no landmark selected
lset%u -selectionMode [create | move | delete ] get/set the current selection mode : either create, move or delete landmarks