
Option Description
inrview%u -GLScale slicecam%u [-min|-max] return the grey level scales associated with a given slicecam
inrview%u -arrow [%b] set/get the arrow display mode. true draw the end of the arrow. false draw only a line
inrview%u -background slicecam%u | all return the Tcl inrimage background associated with a slice camera
inrview%u -colorScale [%f %f] vector Scale for display of vectorial image
inrview%u -destroy destroy inrimage view
inrview%u -displayMode [WITHOUT_VECTOR|WITH_VECTOR <%u %u %u %u %u> |VECTOR_ONLY <%u %u %u %u %u>] displayMode for vectorial image. In case of WITH_VECTOR or VECTOR_ONLY, you need to supply under sample in x, y and z, vector width and scale
inrview%u -inrimage [inr%u] get/set the observed inrimage
inrview%u -kind returns the name of the object kind associated with a given object
inrview%u -longMaxMode [MAX2|MAX|MIN2|MIN] longMaxMode for displaying vectorial image
inrview%u -normMode [LINEAR|EXP <%f>] normMode for vectorial image
inrview%u -scene return inrimage view's scene
inrview%u -vectorScale [%f] vector Scale for display of vectorial image