
Option Description
inr4D%u -anisotropicDiffusion [%f %f %f %b %f %s %b] compute the anisotropic diffusion of the image. The first parameter is the time step dt (dt>0). The second parameter is the diffusion time tmax with tmax>=dt. Indeed, (tmax/dt) is the number of iterations. The third parameter is the quantile quant that set the gradient threshold (0
inr4D%u -crop crop inrimage with given box (from org to end or centered on center and with given size)
inr4D%u -destroy delete a 4D inrimage
inr4D%u -glbounds [min %%v] [max %%v] get/set 4D inrimage min and max grey level values
inr4D%u -gradient [sigma %f] [2D|3D] [rec [marta|gaussian|deriche] | sobel] [dir ] [max] [lt %f] compute each 3D image gradient and build a 4D gradient inrimage
inr4D%u -kind returns the name of the object kind associated with a given object
inr4D%u -name [filename=%s] set/get 4D inrimage file name
inr4D%u -redraw force inrimage to be redisplayed in any viewer it appears
inr4D%u -save [filename=%s] save 4D inrimage (if filename is given, 4D inrimage is saved as filename and each 3D inrimage is saved as name000.inr, name001.inr... where name is filename without .inr4D suffix)
inr4D%u -slicecams return a list of timeslicecams associated with the image
inr4D%u -type [[cast|scale] <8bits|16bits|s16bits|32bits|s32bits|64bits|s64bits|float|double|rgb|rgba|floatVector|doubleVector>] get/set 4D inrimage type
inr4D%u -voxel [%f %f %f] get/set 4D inrimage voxels size