
Option Description
rimg3D%u -box [width %f] [color %f %f %f] get/set bounding box line widht and color
rimg3D%u -destroy destroy this data image
rimg3D%u -display [ none | intensity | gradient | gradientdir | edge | gradient2 ] get/set displayed inrimage
rimg3D%u -displayLine position=(%f %f %f) normal=(%f %f %f) range=%f color=%s title=%s display in a window the image intensity, gradient and gradientDirection profile along a 3D segment. The first 3 parameters are the coordinates of the middle profile. The second 3 parameters are the coordinates of the direction of the line segment. The last parameter is the half length of the segment
rimg3D%u -force [ list | none | gradient | ... ] get/set external force type or return available forces list
rimg3D%u -grid [frame|grid|voxel] [width %f] [color %f %f %f] get/set grid display mode, width and color
rimg3D%u -images [[intensity inr%u] [gradient inr%u] [gradientdir inr%u] [edge inr%u] [gradient2 inr%u]] get/set inrimages composing data image
rimg3D%u -kind returns the name of the object kind associated with a given object
rimg3D%u -render [none|solid|texture|volume] get/set image slices rendering mode
rimg3D%u -resolution [%u] get/set image rendering resolution
rimg3D%u -scene return the scene where is the img3D
rimg3D%u -showBlackPixels [%b] get/set boolean if black pixels should be displayed
rimg3D%u -texture [mapping ] [bg <%f %f %f %f>] set texture options
rimg3D%u -transparency [true [%f] | false] enable (with given opacity)/disable slice transparency
rimg3D%u -volume [nslices %u] [blending ] [transparency %s %s %s %s %f] Get/set volume rendering parameters (number of slices and blending mode). The transparency option allow to specify four tcl variable arrays corresponding to R, G, B and A component for lookup table and an overall blending coefficient.