
Option Description
cam3D%u -autofocus [%b] get/set the autofocus mode of a camera
cam3D%u -bgcolor [%f %f %f] get/set the color of the background of a 3D camera
cam3D%u -boundingBoxColor [%f %f %f] get/set the color of the bounding box around selected object
cam3D%u -boundingBoxDisplay [%b] get/set the bounding box display mode
cam3D%u -boundingBoxWidth [%f] get/set the width of the bounding box around selected object
cam3D%u -button1Pressed %x %y left mouse button pressed
cam3D%u -button1Released %x %y left mouse button released
cam3D%u -button2Pressed %x %y middle mouse button pressed
cam3D%u -button2Released %x %y middle mouse button released
cam3D%u -button3Pressed %x %y right mouse button pressed
cam3D%u -button3Released %x %y right mouse button released
cam3D%u -center [%f %f %f] get/set the center of the 3D camera
cam3D%u -clippingPlanes returns lights list
cam3D%u -ctrlButton1Pressed %x %y ctrl + left mouse button pressed
cam3D%u -ctrlButton2Pressed %x %y ctrl + middle mouse button pressed
cam3D%u -ctrlButton3Pressed %x %y ctrl + right mouse button pressed
cam3D%u -destroy destroy a 3D camera
cam3D%u -eyeOffset [%f %f %f] get/set the eye offset for a 3D stereo camera
cam3D%u -fieldOfView [%f ] get/ set the focal length of the camera (in degrees)
cam3D%u -focus focus the camera on the 3D such that the scene appears centered in the 3D camera
cam3D%u -focusOnRegion [%f %f %f %f] focus the camera on a 3D sphere given its center (the first 3 parameters) and its radius (the last parameter)
cam3D%u -fog [%b] get/set fog in image
cam3D%u -fogRange [%f] get/set fog range in image
cam3D%u -frontAndBack [%b] get/set front and back sides rendering flag
cam3D%u -height [%u] get/set the height of a 3D camera
cam3D%u -key Any other key pressed
cam3D%u -keyDown Key arrow down pressed
cam3D%u -keyLeft Key arrow left pressed
cam3D%u -keyMinus Key - pressed
cam3D%u -keyPlus Key + pressed
cam3D%u -keyRight Key arrow right pressed
cam3D%u -keyUp Key arrow up pressed
cam3D%u -kind returns the name of the object kind associated with a given object
cam3D%u -lights returns lights list
cam3D%u -menu get the name of menu linked to the camera where submenus can be inserted or deleted
cam3D%u -motionMode [object|camera] get/set the motion mode either to move the camera or to move the selected object
cam3D%u -mouseMotion call the mouseMove() function of the camera to update the display according to the mouse motion
cam3D%u -mouseline %x %y Returns 3D line defined bye the camera eye point and the (x,y) coordinate in the camera plane. Six coordinates (a 3D point and a unit vector) are returned.
cam3D%u -objects returns the list of object names that are in the 3D scene seen by a 3D camera
cam3D%u -projectionMatrix [%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f] get/set the projection matrix of the 3D camera
cam3D%u -record < file=%f | pause | stop> start/stop camera movie dumps in file named file0000.xwd, file0001.xwd...
cam3D%u -redraw redraw the scene seen by a 3D camera
cam3D%u -refCenter [%f %f %f] get/set the reference center of the 3D camera
cam3D%u -scaleFactor [%f] get/set the scale factor of the 3D camera
cam3D%u -scene get the name of the scene observed by a 3D camera
cam3D%u -select [objectName=%s] get/set selected object in camera
cam3D%u -shiftButton1Pressed %x %y shift + left mouse button pressed
cam3D%u -shiftButton2Pressed %x %y shift + middle mouse button pressed
cam3D%u -shiftButton3Pressed %x %y shift + right mouse button pressed
cam3D%u -specularity [%b] get/set true specularity computation flag
cam3D%u -stencilBuffer [%b] get/use stencilBuffer on image
cam3D%u -useTwoSides [%b] get/set the boolean controlling if two sides or one side of each surface element
cam3D%u -widget get the name of Togl widget where the scene is drawn
cam3D%u -width [%u] get/set the width of a 3D camera