
Option Description
slicecam%u -bgcolor [%f %f %f] get/set RGB color of background (each color is between 0.0 and 1.0)
slicecam%u -bindmotion set mouse motion tracking in TCL label whose name is given with the true argument
slicecam%u -boundingBoxColor [%f %f %f] get/set bounding box RGB color (each color is between 0.0 and 1.0)
slicecam%u -boundingBoxWidth [%f] get/set bounding box line width
slicecam%u -button1Pressed %x %y left button pressed callback
slicecam%u -button1Released %x %y left button released callback
slicecam%u -button2Pressed %x %y middle button pressed callback
slicecam%u -button2Released %x %y middle button released callback
slicecam%u -button3Pressed %x %y right button pressed callback
slicecam%u -button3Released %x %y right button released callback
slicecam%u -cameraCenter [%f %f] get/set the center in canvas coordinate where the camera is looking for(important when scaling camera)
slicecam%u -center [%f %f] get/set the center in world coordinate where the camera is looking for(important when scaling camera)
slicecam%u -ctrlButton1Pressed %x %y ctrl-left button pressed callback
slicecam%u -ctrlButton1Released %x %y ctrl-left button released callback
slicecam%u -ctrlButton2Pressed %x %y ctrl-middle button pressed callback
slicecam%u -ctrlButton2Released %x %y ctrl-middle button released callback
slicecam%u -ctrlButton3Pressed %x %y ctrl-right button pressed callback
slicecam%u -ctrlButton3Released %x %y ctrl-right button released callback
slicecam%u -destroy delete 2D camera
slicecam%u -display [%f] Get/set given slice. If 0.0 < argument < 1.0, the argument is used as a fraction of the total slice number.
slicecam%u -focus reset 2D camera focus to view all scene
slicecam%u -geometry [X|Y|Z|alpha] get/set cutting direction
slicecam%u -height [%u [-width %u]] get height or set height and possibly width of 2D camera
slicecam%u -keyDown
slicecam%u -keyLeft
slicecam%u -keyRight
slicecam%u -keyUp
slicecam%u -kind returns the name of the object kind associated with a given object
slicecam%u -menu return the name of the Tcl menu name associated with the camera
slicecam%u -motionMode [camera | object] get/set object bound to mouse motion
slicecam%u -motionlabel return TCL label name used to track mouse motion
slicecam%u -mouseMotion %x %y mouse moved callback
slicecam%u -mousevoxel %x %y return image voxel pointed by mouse and its value
slicecam%u -record < file=%f | pause | stop> start/stop camera movie dumps in file named file0000.xwd, file0001.xwd...
slicecam%u -redraw cause 2D camera to redraw itself
slicecam%u -resize %u %u associated canvas has been resized to given width and height
slicecam%u -saveToeps <%s> save the camera view in a eps format image file
slicecam%u -scale [%f | * %f | / %f] get or set 2D camera scale (can set either an absolute scale or a relative one)
slicecam%u -scene return scene shown
slicecam%u -select get/set the selected object
slicecam%u -shiftButton1Pressed %x %y shift-left button pressed callback
slicecam%u -shiftButton1Released %x %y shift-left button released callback
slicecam%u -shiftButton2Pressed %x %y shift-left middle pressed callback
slicecam%u -shiftButton2Released %x %y shift-middle button released callback
slicecam%u -shiftButton3Pressed %x %y shift-left right pressed callback
slicecam%u -shiftButton3Released %x %y shift-right button released callback
slicecam%u -showBoundingBox [%b] get/set bounding box showing flag
slicecam%u -slice [%f] get/set given slice
slicecam%u -slicescale return slicescale%u (if any) used to change image slice
slicecam%u -translate [%f %f] get/set camera center translation
slicecam%u -visible [all|%u %u %u %u %u %u] Get/set visible area viewer. Set the visible area to image size (all parameter), or given box (two voxel coordinates)
slicecam%u -widget return associated TCL canvas name
slicecam%u -width [%u [-height %u]] get width or set width and possibly height of 2D camera