
Option Description
scn2D%u -camera return scene list of cameras
scn2D%u -computation [%b|%u|loop] Get/set the boolean corresponding to the activation status of the scene; if true it means that the scene is activating all deformable models. An integer value indicates the number of step to iterate before a complete stop. "loop" indicates that the scene iterates until no deformable models are active
scn2D%u -deformable return scene deformable models list
scn2D%u -destroy delete 2D scene
scn2D%u -focus reset all cameras viewing this 2D scene focus
scn2D%u -iteration [step|call] [%u] If no parameter is provided then all activated deformable models of the scene are deformed. Otherwise, get or set the number of iterations per step or the number of iterations per background call
scn2D%u -kind returns the name of the object kind associated with a given object
scn2D%u -load %s load 2D scene from given file name
scn2D%u -objects return scene objects list
scn2D%u -range return scene range data list
scn2D%u -redraw redraw all cameras viewing this 2D scene