
Option Description
icnt2D%u -actionMode [create|edit|move|delete] [cam2D%u|slicecam%u] get/set the action mode. When no argument is supplied it returns the current action Mode. Otherwise set the action mode and the corresponding canvas bindings for the corresponding camera
icnt2D%u -buttonMoved cam%u|slicecam%u %f %f process the event occurring when left or middle button is moved on a given camera at a given screen position
icnt2D%u -buttonPressed cam%u|slicecam%u %f %f process the event occurring when left or middle button is pressed on a given camera at a given screen position
icnt2D%u -circle [px=%f py=%f radius=%f] creates a circle primitive given its center and radius
icnt2D%u -createContour contour|activeContour creates a TclContour2D or a TclActiveContour2D based on the primitive. The current init contour object is destroyed
icnt2D%u -destroy destroy a contour 2D Initialization
icnt2D%u -ellipse [px=%f py=%f radiusX=%f radiusY=%f] creates an ellipse primitive given its center and 2 radius
icnt2D%u -kind returns the name of the object kind associated with a given object
icnt2D%u -nbVertices [%u] get/set the number of vertices of the contour that may br created using the -createContour option
icnt2D%u -primitive [circle|rectangle|ellipse|closedPolygon|openPolygon] get/set the primitive type to be created
icnt2D%u -rectangle [p1x=%f p1y=%f p2x=%f p2y=%f] creates a rectangle primitive given its 2 opposite corners
icnt2D%u -selectedPrimitive [%u] get/set the reference of the selected primitive