
Option Description
cnt2D%u -addContour cnt2D%u copy a given 2D contour into the current 2D contour
cnt2D%u -createLine [ open | closed ] create a new line with a given topology
cnt2D%u -destroy destroy a contour 2D
cnt2D%u -getNbLines returns the number of lines of a 2D contour
cnt2D%u -getNbVertices returns the number of vertices of a 2D contour
cnt2D%u -getVertex %u %u return the vertex position given the line index and the vertex index in that line
cnt2D%u -kind returns the name of the object kind associated with a given object
cnt2D%u -lineColor [%f %f %f] get/set the line color
cnt2D%u -lineWidth [%f] get/set the width of a line for display
cnt2D%u -loadOption [moduleName=%s] [true|false] when no parameters is provided, returns the list of modules. If one module name is provided then returns a boolean indicating if the module should be read. If 2 parameters are provided then set the selection mode of a module for reading
cnt2D%u -motionMode cam%u [line|contour|camera] set the motion mode of a 2D contour
cnt2D%u -removeLine removes the selected line if it is not the only line left in the contour
cnt2D%u -rotate %f rotate a 2D contour around its center given a rotation vector
cnt2D%u -save [%s] get the current filename or save the 2D contour with the provided filename
cnt2D%u -saveAsMaple %s save a contour as a Maple File
cnt2D%u -saveOption [moduleName=%s] [true|false] when no parameters is provided, returns the list of modules. If one module name is provided then returns a boolean indicating if the module should be saved or not. If 2 parameters are provided then set the selection mode of a module for writing
cnt2D%u -scale %f scale a 2D contour around its center
cnt2D%u -scene return the scene where is the contour
cnt2D%u -selectLine [ %u ] Without parameters, returns the rank of the selected line. Otherwise select the line given its rank
cnt2D%u -selectVertex [ %u ] Without parameters, returns the rank of the selected vertex. Otherwise select the vertex given its rank
cnt2D%u -selectedLineColor [%f %f %f] get/set the selected line color
cnt2D%u -selectedVertexColor [ %f %f %f ] get/set the selected vertex color
cnt2D%u -selectionMode [object | vertex | line | addVertex | moveVertex | insertVertex] [cam2D%u|slicecam%u] get / set the selection mode corresponding to the left mouse action
cnt2D%u -translate %f %f translate the 2D contour
cnt2D%u -vertexColor [ %f %f %f ] get/set the vertex color
cnt2D%u -vertexMode [hide | show] get/set the vertex display mode
cnt2D%u -vertexParameter [ position | rank ] get some parameters of the selected vertex
cnt2D%u -vertexSize [%f] get/set the size of a vertex for display