
Option Description
act3D%u -addContour act3D%u copy a given 3D active contour into the current 3D contour
act3D%u -addVertex add a vertex between the selected edge
act3D%u -attachmentConstraint [%u | %u %f %f %f %f ] get or set the attachment constraint on an ActiveContour3D. If no parameter is provided then the number of existing attachment constraints is returned ("none" if no existing constraints). If a number n is provided then the information (vertex rank , x coordinate , y coordinate and stiffness value ) related to the nth attachment constraint is returned. The first parameter is the frequency of application of the constraint. The last parameter correspond to the grid size that is used for detecting intersecting edges
act3D%u -balloonConstraint [%f] get or set the balloon constraint on an ActiveContour3D. When no parameter is provided, then the forceRatio of the existing balloon force. If the force ratio is provided then if one balloon constraint exists then the force ratio is changed. Otherwise, create a new balloon constraint with the corresponding force ratio
act3D%u -boundaryCondition position|tangent|1rstDerivative|2ndDerivative first|last [%f %f] get / set the boundary condition of the selected line;
act3D%u -closeLine Set the current Line topology as closed
act3D%u -contourParameter [alpha | beta | damping | locality | rigidity | maximumRigidity | externalForceRange] [%u|%f] get/set the active vertex parameterfor all contour vertex
act3D%u -cutEdge Label the current edge as empty which transform a closed contour into an opened contour
act3D%u -destroy destroy a contour 3D
act3D%u -distanceConstraint [%u %f %f] get or set a distance contour constraint on an ActiveContour3D. The first parameter is the frequency of application of the constraint. The last two float parameters correspond to the minimum and maximum distance between vertices
act3D%u -edgeLength [min|mean|median] get the mean, median or minimum edge length of a contour
act3D%u -forceConstraint [%u] get the number of force Constraint. If a rank number n is provided then the name of the nth force constraint is returned. If the "delete" keyword is added this force constraint is deleted
act3D%u -getNbLines return the number of lines of a 3D contour
act3D%u -getNbVertices returns the number of vertices of a 3D contour
act3D%u -getVertex %u %u return the vertex position given the line index and the vertex index in that line
act3D%u -internalForce ["Laplacian Smoothing" | "Spring-Mass System" | "C0 Smoothing"] get/set the internal force on all contour vertices, use -listAvailableInternalForces to list all available forces
act3D%u -kind returns the name of the object kind associated with a given object
act3D%u -lineColor [%f %f %f] get/set the line color
act3D%u -lineWidth [%f] get/set the width of a line for display
act3D%u -listAvailableInternalForces list all available internal forces
act3D%u -loadOption [moduleName=%s] [true|false] when no parameters is provided, returns the list of modules. If one module name is provided then returns a boolean indicating if the module should be read. If 2 parameters are provided then set the selection mode of a module for reading
act3D%u -mergeEdges merge two edges of a Active Contour 3D which entails topology changes
act3D%u -metricParameters [set | reset] with the "set" option then set the current metric parameters as the reference metric parameters. with the "reset" option then set the metric parameters to 0.5
act3D%u -positionConstraint [%u] [delete] without any parameters get the number of position Constraint. If a rank number n is provided then the name of the nth position constraint is returned. If the "delete" keyword is added this position constraint is deleted
act3D%u -rangeInformation [rinfo%u] get / set the range information for all vertices of a contour
act3D%u -rangeInformationSet [rinfos%u] get / set the set of range information for all vertices of a contour
act3D%u -removeLine removes the selected line if it is not the only line left in the contour
act3D%u -removeVertex remove the selected vertex
act3D%u -rotate %f %f %f rotate a 3D contour around its center given a rotation vector
act3D%u -save [%s] get the current filename or save the 3D contour with the provided filename
act3D%u -saveOption [moduleName=%s] [true|false] when no parameters is provided, returns the list of modules. If one module name is provided then returns a boolean indicating if the module should be saved or not. If 2 parameters are provided then set the selection mode of a module for writing
act3D%u -scale %f scale a 3D contour around its center
act3D%u -scene return the scene where is the contour
act3D%u -selectVertex [ %u ] Without parameters, returns the rank of the selected vertex. Otherwise select the vertex given its rank
act3D%u -selectedEdgeColor [%f %f %f] get/set the line color of the selected edge
act3D%u -selectedEdgeWidth [%f] get/set the line width of the selected edge
act3D%u -selectedLineColor [%f %f %f] get/set the selected line color
act3D%u -selectedVertexColor [ %f %f %f ] get/set the selected vertex color
act3D%u -selectedVertexInfo return some basic information (position) about the selected vertex
act3D%u -selectionMode [object | vertex | line | edge | grab] [cam3D%u] get / set the selection mode corresponding to the left mouse action
act3D%u -setRestLength set the current edge length as the rest edge length for spring-mass systems
act3D%u -showClosestPoint [%b] get/set the boolean whether to display closest points
act3D%u -showRangeDistance [%b] get/set the boolean whether to display the force range
act3D%u -spacingConstraint [frequency %u] [length %f %f|ratio %f %f] get or set the spacing contour constraint on an ActiveContour3D. The frequency parameter is the constraint application frequency. The min and max length values are absolute mininmum and maximum edge length. The min and max ratio are the minimum and maximum edge length defined as fractions of the mean edge length.
act3D%u -translate %f %f %f translate the 3D contour
act3D%u -vertexColor [ %f %f %f ] get/set the vertex color
act3D%u -vertexMode [hide | show] get/set the vertex display mode
act3D%u -vertexParameter [alpha | beta | damping | locality | rigidity | maximumRigidity | externalForceRange | position | normal ] [%u|%f] get/set the active vertex parameterof the selected vertex
act3D%u -vertexSize [%f] get/set the size of a vertex for display