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Surface View

This object allows to display a 3D surface in a Slicecamera. In fact, the Slicecamera display the intersection of the 3D surface with the current views.
In practice, we use a SurfaceView to visualize the superimposition of a mesh and an image. This is usefull when you want to initialize the spatial position of a mesh using an image. It can be easier to do it successively in each 2D slice than directly in 3D. It may also be usefull to check the validity of a deformation result of a mesh in regards to the image we used to deform it.

The next figure presents the initialization of the position of a triangulation in order to segment an image of the brain.

Figure 16: Intersection of a 3D triangulation and an image deformation

Jean-Didier Lemarechal 2002-02-14