In file No file:

template void createTriangulationFromArray (V *vv, E *ee, T *tt, Z *zz, MESH *trian, unsigned int nbVertices, Vec3 *positionTable, unsigned int nbTriangles, unsigned int **vertexTriangleTable)

create a triangulation data structure from a table of vertex position and a table of triangle description


create a triangulation data structure from a table of vertex position and a table of triangle description. This routine free the memory allocated for each array
nbVertices - the total number of vertices
positionTable - an array of size nbVertices where the position of each vertex is stored
nbTriangles - the number of triangles
vertexTriangleTable - an array of size [3][nbTetrahedra] where the 3 vertices of each triangle is described

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling