In file tetrahedrisation/TetraForceConstraint.h:

namespace yav class TetraIncompressibilityConstraint : public Constraint

Force constraint that enforce the material incompressibility ie that each tetrahedron has constant volume


Public Classes

class MissingTetra : public Exception
class thrown when a TetraIncompressibilityConstraint is created without specifying any ActiveTetra3D
MissingTetra (const std::string& from)
constructor from a string

Public Methods

virtual void apply ()
the apply fonction that adds a force on all vertices in order to keep a constant tetrahedron volume
double getExtent () const
return the incompressibility constraint force extent between 0 and 1 */
void setExtent (const double _extent)
return the incompressibility constraint force extent between 0 and 1 */


public constructor
virtual ~TetraIncompressibilityConstraint (void)
empty destructor

Protected Fields

ActiveTetra3D* tetra
the tetrahedrisation on which the constraint applies
double extent
variable between 0 and 1 that constrols the extent of the incompressibility constraint


Force constraint that enforce the material incompressibility ie that each tetrahedron has constant volume
ActiveTetra3D* tetra
the tetrahedrisation on which the constraint applies

double extent
variable between 0 and 1 that constrols the extent of the incompressibility constraint

class MissingTetra: public Exception
class thrown when a TetraIncompressibilityConstraint is created without specifying any ActiveTetra3D


MissingTetra(const std::string& from)
constructor from a string
from - a string indicating where the exception where thrown

public constructor


virtual ~TetraIncompressibilityConstraint(void)
empty destructor

virtual void apply()
the apply fonction that adds a force on all vertices in order to keep a constant tetrahedron volume

double getExtent() const
return the incompressibility constraint force extent between 0 and 1 */

void setExtent(const double _extent)
return the incompressibility constraint force extent between 0 and 1 */

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling