In file modules/TclObjectKind.h:

namespace yav class WarnedObject

an object that want to be called back if a given id object is created or deleted


Public Methods

virtual ~WarnedObject ()
void warnMe (const std::type_info& t)
adds an object type to watch
void doNotWarnMe (const std::type_info& t)
removes an object type to watch
virtual void emptyObjectsList (void)
gets empty callback function
virtual void createdObject (TclObject *obj, const std::type_info& id)
new object callback function
virtual void deletedObject (TclObject *obj, const std::type_info& id)
deleted object callback function


WarnedObject (const std::type_info& t1)
warn this object when an object of typeid t1 is created or deleted
WarnedObject (const std::type_info& t1, const std::type_info& t2)
warn this object when an object of typeid t1 or t2 is created or deleted
WarnedObject (const std::type_info& t1, const std::type_info& t2, const std::type_info& t3)
warn this object when an object of typeid t1, t2 or t3 is created or deleted

Protected Fields

std::list type
that object kind id


an object that want to be called back if a given id object is created or deleted
std::list type
that object kind id


WarnedObject(const std::type_info& t1)
warn this object when an object of typeid t1 is created or deleted
t1 - typeid of objects to watch

WarnedObject(const std::type_info& t1, const std::type_info& t2)
warn this object when an object of typeid t1 or t2 is created or deleted
t1 - typeid of objects to watch
t2 - typeid of objects to watch

WarnedObject(const std::type_info& t1, const std::type_info& t2, const std::type_info& t3)
warn this object when an object of typeid t1, t2 or t3 is created or deleted
t1 - typeid of objects to watch
t2 - typeid of objects to watch
t3 - typeid of objects to watch

virtual ~WarnedObject()

void warnMe(const std::type_info& t)
adds an object type to watch
t - type to watch

void doNotWarnMe(const std::type_info& t)
removes an object type to watch
t - type to remove

virtual void emptyObjectsList(void)
gets empty callback function

virtual void createdObject(TclObject *obj, const std::type_info& id)
new object callback function
obj - created object
id - created object real type

virtual void deletedObject(TclObject *obj, const std::type_info& id)
deleted object callback function
obj - object being deleted
id - created object real type

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling