In file levelsets/IsoLevel2D.h:

class IsoLevel2D : public Isocontour

an isocontour restricted to a level set narrow band


Public Methods

void build ()
recompute 0 level set
void setTag (const char *_tag)
set new graphics tag
virtual const char* getTag (void) const
returns object tag


IsoLevel2D (const LevelSets2D& ls2D)
Create an Isocontour based on a slice of a volumetric image and a threshold
~IsoLevel2D ()
empty destructor

Protected Fields

const LevelSets2D& levelset
source level set
TclString tag
isocontour graphic tag

Protected Methods

template void scanNarrowBand ()
scan narrow band voxels and create isocontour vertices


an isocontour restricted to a level set narrow band
const LevelSets2D& levelset
source level set

TclString tag
isocontour graphic tag

template void scanNarrowBand()
scan narrow band voxels and create isocontour vertices


IsoLevel2D(const LevelSets2D& ls2D)
Create an Isocontour based on a slice of a volumetric image and a threshold
ls2D - the 2D level set whose 0 level is an isocontour


empty destructor

void build()
recompute 0 level set

void setTag(const char *_tag)
set new graphics tag

virtual const char* getTag(void) const
returns object tag

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling