In file imagedata/RangeInrimage.h:

class ClassInrimageInformation : public RangeInformation

a class that store all information necessary for computing an external force based on the image classification


Public Fields

static const TclString informationName
name stored in the Range Information

Public Methods

static RangeInformation* readClassInformation (GFInput &input)
create a class information Object from a file
virtual RangeInformation* duplicate ()
create a copy of this class information object
virtual void writeInFile (GFOutput &output)
write in a file the data stored in a gradient information object
double getMaxDistance (void) const
get the maximum range distance
void setMaxDistance (double r)
set the maximum range distance
double getInlength (void) const
returns minimum length of inside voxels
double getOutlength (void) const
returns minimum length of outside voxels
void setInlength (double d)
set minimum length of inside voxels
void setOutlength (double d)
set minimum length of outside voxels
unsigned int getMaxInClasses () const
return the maximum number of inner classes
unsigned int getMaxOutClasses () const
return the maximum number of outer classes
unsigned char getIn (unsigned int i)
return class value that should lie inside the model
unsigned char getOut (unsigned int i)
return class value that should lie outside the model
const unsigned char* getInArray (unsigned int& _nin) const
return class values that should lie inside the model
const unsigned char* getOutArray (unsigned int& _nout) const
return class values that should lie inside the model
void setInArray (unsigned int _nin, const unsigned char *_in)
set class values that should lie inside the model
void setOutArray (unsigned int _nout, const unsigned char *_out)
set class values that should lie outside the model


ClassInrimageInformation (double max = 10.0, unsigned int _nint = 0, unsigned char *_in=0, unsigned int _nout = 0, unsigned char *_out=0)
builds a data structure storing the gradient threshold, its orientation constraint and its intensity range
virtual ~ClassInrimageInformation ()
destroys the object

Protected Fields

double range
the half-distance along which the highest gradient voxel is searched
unsigned int nin
number of elements in in array
unsigned int nout
number of elements in out array
unsigned char* in
class values that should be inside the model
unsigned char* out
class values that should be outside the model
double inlength
minimum length of inside voxels
double outlength
minimum length of outside voxels


a class that store all information necessary for computing an external force based on the image classification
static const TclString informationName
name stored in the Range Information

double range
the half-distance along which the highest gradient voxel is searched

unsigned int nin
number of elements in in array

unsigned int nout
number of elements in out array

unsigned char* in
class values that should be inside the model

unsigned char* out
class values that should be outside the model

double inlength
minimum length of inside voxels

double outlength
minimum length of outside voxels


ClassInrimageInformation(double max = 10.0, unsigned int _nint = 0, unsigned char *_in=0, unsigned int _nout = 0, unsigned char *_out=0)
builds a data structure storing the gradient threshold, its orientation constraint and its intensity range
max - the half-distance used for the search algorithm
_nint - the number of elements in the array describing the inside class labels
_in - the array describing the inside class labels
_nout - the number of elements in the array describing the outside class labels
_out - the array describing the outside class labels


virtual ~ClassInrimageInformation()
destroys the object

static RangeInformation* readClassInformation(GFInput &input)
create a class information Object from a file

virtual RangeInformation* duplicate()
create a copy of this class information object. This is used to apply the same algorithm to all vertices of a mesh

virtual void writeInFile(GFOutput &output)
write in a file the data stored in a gradient information object
output - a pointer on a file

double getMaxDistance(void) const
get the maximum range distance

void setMaxDistance(double r)
set the maximum range distance

double getInlength(void) const
returns minimum length of inside voxels

double getOutlength(void) const
returns minimum length of outside voxels

void setInlength(double d)
set minimum length of inside voxels

void setOutlength(double d)
set minimum length of outside voxels

unsigned int getMaxInClasses() const
return the maximum number of inner classes

unsigned int getMaxOutClasses() const
return the maximum number of outer classes

unsigned char getIn(unsigned int i)
return class value that should lie inside the model
inner class value of the ith class
in - index of the inner class values

unsigned char getOut(unsigned int i)
return class value that should lie outside the model
outer class value of the ith class
in - index of the outer class values

const unsigned char* getInArray(unsigned int& _nin) const
return class values that should lie inside the model
array of inner class values
nin - number of inner class values

const unsigned char* getOutArray(unsigned int& _nout) const
return class values that should lie inside the model
array of outer class values
nin - number of outer class values

void setInArray(unsigned int _nin, const unsigned char *_in)
set class values that should lie inside the model
nin - number of inner class values
array - of inner class values

void setOutArray(unsigned int _nout, const unsigned char *_out)
set class values that should lie outside the model
nout - number of outter class values
array - of outter class values

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling