In file graphics3D/TclTexture2D.h:

namespace yav class TclTexture2D : public Texture2D, public TclObject

a Tcl interface of a 2D texture based on Opengl standard


Public Methods

int destroyCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-destroy option
static int create (TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
new TCL command callback


TclTexture2D (TclModule *m, unsigned int *b, const unsigned int nr, const unsigned int nc, Format f=TEXTURE_RGBA)
building a 2D texture from aRGBA or ARGB buffer
TclTexture2D (TclModule *m, char *filename)
build a 2D texture interface from a file
TclTexture2D (TclModule *m, Texture2D::GenericTexture type, const unsigned int size, const double exponent=1.0, const double radius=1.0)
build a 2D texture interface of a given type
virtual ~TclTexture2D ()
delete a 2D Texture

Inherited from Texture2D:

Public Classes

enum GenericTexture
enum Format
enum TextureInterpolation
enum TextureExtrapolation
enum TextureMode

Public Methods

static unsigned int* read_texture(char *name, unsigned int *width, unsigned int *height, unsigned int *components)
void drawGenericTexture(GenericTexture type, const double exponent=1.0, const double radius=1.0)
void updateTexture() const
unsigned int getNbRows() const
unsigned int getNbColumns() const
unsigned int getNbRealRows() const
unsigned int getNbRealColumns() const
void getColor(const unsigned int row, const unsigned int col, unsigned char *color) const
GLuint getId() const
void enableTextureCoordinatesGeneration() const
void disableTextureCoordinatesGeneration() const
void enableTexture(TextureMode m)
void disableTexture(TextureMode m) const
void interpolateTexture(TextureInterpolation i) const
void extrapolateTexture(TextureExtrapolation i) const
void applyTextureMode(TextureMode i, const double s[4], const double t[4]) const

Protected Fields

bool binded
GLuint id
void* buffer
unsigned int nrows
unsigned int ncols
unsigned int nbRealRows
unsigned int nbRealColumns
Format format
bool useMipmapping
unsigned int mipmapLevel
bool updateDisplayList

Protected Methods

void enlargeTexture(const void *b, const unsigned int nr, const unsigned int nc)
void createTexture()
void init()


a Tcl interface of a 2D texture based on Opengl standard

TclTexture2D(TclModule *m, unsigned int *b, const unsigned int nr, const unsigned int nc, Format f=TEXTURE_RGBA)
building a 2D texture from aRGBA or ARGB buffer
m - module to create TCL object
b - a buffer where each pixel is each coded with RGBA or ABGR
nr - the number of rows (may not be a power of 2)
nc - the number of columns (may not be a power of 2)
f - the format of each pixel

TclTexture2D(TclModule *m, char *filename)
build a 2D texture interface from a file
m - module to create TCL object
filename - file name of a GIF file

TclTexture2D(TclModule *m, Texture2D::GenericTexture type, const unsigned int size, const double exponent=1.0, const double radius=1.0)
build a 2D texture interface of a given type
the - type of generic texture
size - the number of rows and columns of the texture
exponent - for the gaussian and halo texture controls the spread of the gaussian
radius - for the halo texture controls the radius of the halo (as default it is a quarter of the size )


virtual ~TclTexture2D()
delete a 2D Texture

int destroyCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-destroy option

static int create(TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
new TCL command callback

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling