In file graphics3D/TclTexture1D.h:

namespace yav class TclTexture1D : public Texture1D, public TclObject

a Tcl interface of a 2D texture based on Opengl standard


Public Methods

int destroyCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-destroy option
static int create (TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
new TCL command callback


TclTexture1D (TclModule *m, unsigned int *b, const unsigned int nc, Format f=TEXTURE_RGBA)
building a 2D texture from aRGBA or ARGB buffer
TclTexture1D (TclModule *m, char *filename)
build a 2D texture interface from a file
TclTexture1D (TclModule *m, Texture1D::GenericTexture type, const unsigned int size)
build a 2D texture interface of a given type
virtual ~TclTexture1D ()
delete a 2D Texture

Inherited from Texture1D:

Public Classes

enum GenericTexture
enum Format
enum TextureInterpolation
enum TextureExtrapolation
enum TextureMode

Public Methods

void drawGenericTexture(GenericTexture type)
void updateTexture() const
unsigned int getNbColumns() const
unsigned int getNbRealColumns() const
void getColor(const unsigned int col, unsigned char *color) const
GLuint getId() const
void enableTextureCoordinatesGeneration() const
void disableTextureCoordinatesGeneration() const
void enableTexture(TextureMode m)
void disableTexture(TextureMode m) const
void interpolateTexture(TextureInterpolation i) const
void extrapolateTexture(TextureExtrapolation i) const
void applyTextureMode(TextureMode i, const double s[4], const double t[4]) const

Protected Fields

bool binded
GLuint id
void* buffer
unsigned int ncols
unsigned int nbRealColumns
Format format
bool updateDisplayList

Protected Methods

void enlargeTexture(const void *b, const unsigned int nc)
void createTexture()
void init()


a Tcl interface of a 2D texture based on Opengl standard

TclTexture1D(TclModule *m, unsigned int *b, const unsigned int nc, Format f=TEXTURE_RGBA)
building a 2D texture from aRGBA or ARGB buffer
m - module to create TCL object
b - a buffer where each pixel is each coded with RGBA or ABGR
nr - the number of rows (may not be a power of 2)
nc - the number of columns (may not be a power of 2)
f - the format of each pixel

TclTexture1D(TclModule *m, char *filename)
build a 2D texture interface from a file
m - module to create TCL object
filename - file name of a GIF file

TclTexture1D(TclModule *m, Texture1D::GenericTexture type, const unsigned int size)
build a 2D texture interface of a given type
the - type of generic texture
size - the number of rows and columns of the texture
exponent - for the gaussian and halo texture controls the spread of the gaussian
radius - for the halo texture controls the radius of the halo (as default it is a quarter of the size )


virtual ~TclTexture1D()
delete a 2D Texture

int destroyCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-destroy option

static int create(TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
new TCL command callback

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling