In file graphics3D/Geometry.h:

class Distance

distance between several geometric primitives


Public Fields

static double epsilon
the confidence interval that is considered for detecting intersections between primitives

Public Methods

static double pointToLine (const Vec3& org, const Vec3& dir, const Vec3& point)
returns the distance between a 3D point and a 3D Line
static double segmentToLine (const Vec3& org, const Vec3& dir, const Vec3& segA, const Vec3& segB)
returns the distance between a 3D line and a 3D segment
static double triangleToLine (const Vec3& org, const Vec3& dir, const Vec3& trA, const Vec3& trB, const Vec3& trC)
returns the distance between a 3D line and a triangle


distance between several geometric primitives
static double epsilon
the confidence interval that is considered for detecting intersections between primitives

static double pointToLine(const Vec3& org, const Vec3& dir, const Vec3& point)
returns the distance between a 3D point and a 3D Line
the distance between the 3D point and the 3D line
org - a point on the 3D line
dir - the direction vector of the 3D line (may not be unit vector )
point - the 3D point

static double segmentToLine(const Vec3& org, const Vec3& dir, const Vec3& segA, const Vec3& segB)
returns the distance between a 3D line and a 3D segment
the distance between the 3D line and the 3D segment
org - a point on the 3D line
dir - the direction vector of the 3D line (may not be unit vector )
segA - the first segment extremity
segB - the second segment extremity

static double triangleToLine(const Vec3& org, const Vec3& dir, const Vec3& trA, const Vec3& trB, const Vec3& trC)
returns the distance between a 3D line and a triangle
the distance between the 3D line and the triangle
org - a point on the 3D line
dir - the direction vector of the 3D line (may not be unit vector )
trA - the first triangle vertex
trB - the second triangle vertex
trC - the third triangle vertex

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling