In file graphics2D/Sliceable.h:

struct SliceContour

contour produced when a mesh is intersected by a plane

int nbvertices
contour number of vertices
float* X
X coordinates of each contour vertex
float* Y
Y coordinates of each contour vertex
int* rank
rank[i] is the rank of the face that segment (vertex_x[i], vertex_y[i]) - (vertex_x[i+1], vertex_y[i+1]) crosses
bool fromSelected
was the contour built from selected model ?
bool* draw
should we draw segment between vertex i and i+1 ?
int geometry
Sagital, coronal or transversal slice?
default constructor
destructor: delete arrays


contour produced when a mesh is intersected by a plane
int nbvertices
contour number of vertices

float* X
X coordinates of each contour vertex

float* Y
Y coordinates of each contour vertex

int* rank
rank[i] is the rank of the face that segment (vertex_x[i], vertex_y[i]) - (vertex_x[i+1], vertex_y[i+1]) crosses

bool fromSelected
was the contour built from selected model ?

bool* draw
should we draw segment between vertex i and i+1 ?

int geometry
Sagital, coronal or transversal slice?

default constructor

destructor: delete arrays

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling