In file contour/Constraints2D.h:

class CurvatureSpacingContour2DConstraint : public Constraint

a class corresponding to a position constraint that enfore spacing between vertices as a function of curvature : at places of high curvature, vertices should be closed to each other whereas at places of low curvature, distance between vertices should increase


Public Methods

virtual void apply ()
the apply fonction that modifies the metric parameters of all vertices in order to concentrate vertices at parts of high curvature
ActiveContour2D* getContour () const
returns the 2-simplex mesh involved in the constraint
double getConstraintMagnitude () const
returns the angle between the contour normal vector and the surface normal vector
void setConstraintMagnitude (const double _constraintMagnitude)
sets the curvature spacing constraint magnitude


virtual ~CurvatureSpacingContour2DConstraint ()
delete the constraint and reset mesh metric parameters

Private Fields

double constraintMagnitude
the magnitude of the curvature spacing constraint : must be between 0
MissingContour (const std::string& from)
constructor from a string


a class corresponding to a position constraint that enfore spacing between vertices as a function of curvature : at places of high curvature, vertices should be closed to each other whereas at places of low curvature, distance between vertices should increase
double constraintMagnitude
the magnitude of the curvature spacing constraint : must be between 0.0 (no constraint applied) and 1.0 (maximum impact of the constraint)


MissingContour(const std::string& from)
constructor from a string
from - a string indicating where the exception where thrown

virtual void apply()
the apply fonction that modifies the metric parameters of all vertices in order to concentrate vertices at parts of high curvature

ActiveContour2D* getContour() const
returns the 2-simplex mesh involved in the constraint

double getConstraintMagnitude() const
returns the angle between the contour normal vector and the surface normal vector

void setConstraintMagnitude(const double _constraintMagnitude)
sets the curvature spacing constraint magnitude



virtual ~CurvatureSpacingContour2DConstraint()
delete the constraint and reset mesh metric parameters

This class has no child classes.

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling