New!!! The program (with the exact times and practical information) is available.

The invited speaker is Prof. Guido Gerig.

Last modified: Wed December 17

IEEE International Workshop on


(in conjunction with ICCV'98)

January 3, 1998

Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India

Organizing Committee



Practical information



Scientific Board

Program Committee

An image of Indian god Ganesh


These last years have seen the multiplication of 3D images due to the development and improvement of new acquisition devices (CT-Scan, MR, 3D ultrasound, confocal microscopy, seismic imagery, Cyberware range laser, etc.) in several application fields (medicine, molecular biology, geology, industry, paleontology, etc.). Such 3D images are very large, difficult to interact with, and contain very complex non-polyhedral structures. In order to obtain precise and reliable results within a reasonable computation time, 3D image processing algorithms are very often based on "models", i.e., simplified and synthetic representations of complex entities.

An example of a 3D model of Ganesh

This workshop will be an opportunity to gather people from different fields (Computer Vision, Medical Imaging, Industry, etc.) to present their research and results, to exchange ideas, and to discuss model-based 3D image analysis. There are three main axes for the workshop:

The workshop is composed of 12 oral presentations of 25-minutes and a key note talk given by an authoritative person of the field, Prof. Guido Gerig - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich (Switzerland). Texts of presentations will be published in proceedings that will be available for the workshop.


Each submitted paper has been reviewed by three people under the supervision of the Program Committee.

The name of the speaker is in boldface.


9:00-9:45 Welcoming coffee



  • 9:45-10:00 Presentation of the workshop
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    Invited Talk

  • 10:00-11:00 Models in 3D medical image analysis
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    11:00-11:30 Coffee break


    Model Representation

  • 11:30-11:55 Invariant Object Representation and Recognition Using Lie Algebras of Tangential and Normal Vector Fields
  • 11:55-12:20 Pose Estimation of Free-Form 3D Objects without Point Matching using Algebraic Surface Models
  • 12:20-12:45 On Generating Multi-Resolution Representation of Polygonal Meshes
  • -----

    12:45-13:45 Lunch


    Model-Based Reconstruction

  • 13:45-14:10 Depth Measurement by Multi-Focus Camera
  • 14:10-14:35 Towards object modelling by incorporating geometric constraints
  • 14:35-15:00 General Deformable Model Approach for Model-based Reconstruction
  • 15:00-15:25 Models for Understanding the 3D Human Body Form
  • -----

    15:25-15:55 Coffee break


    Model-Based Segmentation

  • 15:55-16:20 Model-Based Segmentation of Cloud Structures In Satellite Image Sequences
  • 16:20:16:45 Three-Dimensional Model-based Segmentation
  • 16:45-17:10 Model Based Segmentation of Clinical Knee MRI
  • -----

    Model-Based Registration and Tracking

  • 17:10-17:35 Efficient CAD-Based Visualisation of Unordered 3D Data
  • 17:35-18:00 Model Based Tracking of 3D Deformations in Multiview Image Sequences


    All the workshop participants will be picked and dropped between the Indian Institute of Technology and the ICCV hotels, in the center of Mumbai.

    The lunch is included in registration fees and will be taken at the Indian Institute of Technology.

    For any information, please mail to Gérard Subsol <> or Élisabeth Cuchet <>