control-O | Inserts a place-holder before the current selection. |
control-B | Moves the current selection to the left. |
control-F | Moves the current selection to the right. |
escape control-U | Moves the current selection towards the top. |
escape control-D | Moves the current selection on the first son. |
escape f | Moves the current selection to the first atomic tree on the left. |
escape b | Moves the current selection to the first atomic tree on the right. |
escape p | Moves the current selection to the first place-holder on the left. |
escape n | Moves the current selection to the first place-holder on the right. |
escape m 1 | Turns on the mode for automatic jump to the next place-holder. |
escape m 0 | Turns off the mode for automatic jump to the next place holder. |
return | In general, inserts a place holder after the current selection. |
control-S | Searches forward for the current search string. |
control-R | Searches backward for the current search string. |
escape s | Sets the search string and searches forward. |
escape r | Sets the search string and searches backward. |
escape t | Starts textual editing. |
control-X m | Shows or hides the template menu for structure guided editing. |
control-X w | Expands the current selection, to cancel the effect of ellision. |
control-W | Cut. |
escape w | Copy. |
control-Y . | Replace. |
control-Y < | Inserts before the current selection. |
control-Y > | Inserts after the current selection. |
control-L | Scrolls to the current selection. |
control-X 4 f | Loads a new file in another window. |
control-X control-F | Loads a new file. |
control-X control-W | Saves in a new file. |
control-X control-S | Saves the file. |
control-X + | Increments the print level. |
control-X - | Decrements the print level |
control-X # 1 | Sets the print level to 1 |
control-X # # | Sets the print level to a very high value |
control-Z > | Scrolls one line up. |
control-Z < | Scrolls one line down. |
control-X < | Scrolls left. |
control-X > | Scrolls right. |
escape g | Goto line |
control-X 2 | Opens a second view on the same data. |
control-V or space | Scrolls one page up. |
escape v | Scrolls one page down. |
escape < | Scrolls to the beginning. |
escape > | Scrolls to the end. |
escape 2 or escape 3 or escape 4 or escape 5 or escape 6 or escape 7 or escape 8 or escape 9 | Repeats the next command n times. |
escape x | Executes a function provided by the user. |
return | New line. |
escape | Parses the text area. |
back-space or delete | Deletes backward. |
control-B | Move left. |
control-F | Moves right. |
control-P | Moves up one line. |
control-N | Moves down one line. |
control-K | Removes the rest of the line. |
control-E | Goes to end of line. |
control-A | Goes to beginning of line. |
control-D | Delete one character forward. |
bell | Cancels text editing. |
control-C g | Do it. |
control-C s | Searches for theorems proving the selected predicate (Coq's Search). |
control-C c | Type-checks the selected expression (Coq's Check). |
control-C e | Evaluates the selected expression (Coq's Eval). |
control-C C | Computes the selected expression (Coq's Compute). |
control-C control-C e | Eval, using the current goal's context. |
control-C control-C c | Check, using the current goal's context. |
control-C control-C C | Compute, using the current goal's context. |
control-C p | Prints the natural language proof of the selected name. |
control-C t | Toggle the Auto do it check box. |
control-C g | Do it. |
control-C _ | Discards the last command in Coq. |
control-C k | Aborts the current proof. |
a | Point and Apply. |
e | Point and Elim. |
f | Point and Auto. |
r | Point and Red. |
w | Point and Rewrite. |
i | Point and Injection. |
g | Point and Generalize. |
l | Point and Simpl. |
m | Point and Assumption (Proof by pointing) |
! | Duplicates the hypothesis. |
z | Generates a Specialize command. |
control-C d | Creates a Library Fragment window. |
control-C u | Unfolds. |
control-C w | Clears hypotheses. |
control-C ^ | Creates a Coq Pattern command. |
control-N | Goes to next goal. |
control-P | Goes to previous goal. |
control-C a | Executes all the commands in the window. |
control-C d | Opens a new multiple window. |
control-C f | Adds an Auto tactic to the current command. |
control-C h | Shows the goal on which the selected command was executed. |
control-C q | Prints the natural language explanation of the current proof. |
control-C r | Resets Coq to a state where the selected name is forgotten. |
control-C v | Insert a Qed. command. |
control-C B | Moves the current selection to an auxiliary window and file. |